Friday, December 4, 2009

Report: Tiger Lotus Media - Justine Gxxx


Ripoff Report
Don't let them get away with it... let the truth be known!

Brought to you by a more credible source than the 'Ciding Light...

...Reported By:
(Vancouver British Columbia)

"Tiger Lotus Media - Justine Gxxx who runs Tiger Lotus Media is lazy, dishonest and steals from people. Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver Internet"

And now the story...

"Justine Gxxx of Tiger Lotus Media came to me claiming to be a PR rep and my clothing company, Project Industries ( got suckered into providing clothing samples with the promise of receiving PR services in exchange for her using my company name in her portfolio."

LOL at Justine building her wardrobe off of lies. Anyway, moving on...

"After not hearing from her for weeks at a time to follow up on the "meetings" she was to have with stores and just to get updates in general, I got fed up. I called her other "clients" only to find that the only one who had good things to say about her was a friend of a friend and actually owned all the small companies listed in her portfolio that I was told I'd get a good reference from. I couldn't find any other client who didn't say that she lied to them and that she was simply horrible to deal with. I'm aware that these are calls I should have made prior to engaging her, but I took her at her word because she was seemingly, like me, an entrepreneur starting up a small company. Lesson learned for sure.'

Looks to me like Justine was too busy either in chat or trolling through various dating services posting profiles of herself. LOL at a "friend of a friend" who owns all the small companies listed in her portfolio. LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES... is what clients are saying of Justine. No way! She wouldn't lie... she never lies in chat, Twitter, or dating service profiles. I refuse to believe. LOL!!!
Though there was the time where she said she is married, or remarried... but let's not get into that. Let's get into the rest of the original Ripoff Report story.

"After doing more research, I also found out that she was fired from one of her previous jobs as a cashier at Safeway for stealing from the till."

OMFG... Justine worked with berrybusygirl in Safeway. LOL at being fired for stealing money from the till. BRB... I just pissed my pants.

Okay, I'm back... sorry about that.

I wonder how much money Justine stole? I wonder if it was used to pay child support? Or pay her Internet bills. Or maybe she used the money for down payments on the 3 homes she claims to own. Okay, let the story continue...

"At that point I'd had enough and made every effort to contact her or Michael Roth (her so-called "creative director") to have her return my clothing samples. Michael is nothing but a lap dog and went on and on about how she's having family issues and medical issues. A quick check of her Facebook profile negated all of that as she was obviously spending her time getting ready for a vacation and supposedly working for her other "clients."

Hilarious is all I can say!!! LOL at posted all over Facebook! Justine heading to Japan at her clients' expense. Family issues and medical issues... LMMFAO! Not another divorce in the works? What medical issues? Nothing physical I hope, just mentally fucked in the head is my guess. Justine, why are all the important men in your life named Michael? WTF? Moving on...

"She got in touch once over a month ago to let me know my samples were going to be mailed back to me and that too proved to be a lie."

"Do NOT waste your time on Justine Gxxx and Tiger Lotus Media. She is nothing but a liar and a cheat and those employed by Tiger Lotus Media are unprofessional at best."

Project Industries Clothing Company

Vancouver, British Columbia

Well said, Jamie! Good luck in getting your samples back. I'm thinking, Jamie... that you will probably see Justine wearing your samples on her profile pics or photo albums of various sites throughout the net. Keep me posted.

I'm wondering if Tiger Lotus Media will soon be history, resting alongside Redline Consulting Ltd?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Has virtual life taken over your real life?

Remember when people used to go trembling into society, hand in mouth... now they go boldly into virtual society, hand on mouse?

Isn't it amazing how many chatters will spend their days and nights at the computer conducting friendships through Facebook and MySpace, all while whoring themselves out in Yahoo chat rooms? True 24/7 losers... looking for virtual relationships, virtual excitement and even virtual sex online.

Is it naive to think chatters can live their lives this way, with their eyes on the screen and their minds on themselves, without affecting their capacity for real human relationships? Chat 'scrap such as cck2ca, dakilangmanok1, and berrybusygirl36 argue that we've been witnessing a new kind of addiction for some time. For addiction arises when something good... in this case, friendship, is provided with a cost free substitute that can be found at the flick of a switch.

YAY!!!... no more having to go outdoors for love and friendship.

Cck2ca says that in real life, friendship involves risk... the risk of embarrassment and anger, and the effort of winning another’s trust. He tells fellow chat 'scrap like boltsgirlvl4 and aka_rockin_canadian_girl that he can pretty much avoid this risk and still obtain pleasure of love and friendship while online.

Online... I have the power... says wildbp. When I relate to a chatter or have relations through the screen with a chatter, I have my finger on the button and at any moment I can turn them off... well hopefully I'm turning them on before turning them off. LMAO. See, you can't do that in real life relationships.

I retain ultimate control, and I am not risking myself with the online relationships I am in... says lotusblossom604. I risk myself when I meet a guy face to face. Two failed marriages, a child born from each, dozens of failed 'flings'. I can't keep doing this to myself. Anyway, my non-virtual relationships keep getting in my way of me succeeding in life and business. I will get to top. It's all about me.

I once saw talker_a_talker type in the room... Of course I may stay glued to the screen. Nevertheless, it is a screen that I am glued to, not to the chat ho behind it.

Can someone please tell me what the fuck that means.

King dakilangmanok1 has referred to his computer as his cyber-castle. Within this castle he provides opportunities for virtual "business", and virtual “social” action for guys and girls (okay, mostly guys) and is known by his peers as a hero of compassion. All this without lifting a finger in the real world. NICE!!!

In NHL:1 it is possible to see chat couples who have never met describe their hot 'n steamy affairs conducted in cyberspace. These chatters show no guilt. They proudly display their narcissistic emotions as though they had achieved some kind of moral breakthrough. Some chat couples go as far as saying they've met... but only the gullible believe in that. The chatters with an IQ in double digits know that it is only their avatars, and not they themselves, that ended up in bed.

You all are probably asking... does this really matter? Personally, I think it does... for trust, accountability and risk taking are dispositions on which the future of society depends. These things are learnt by accepting the real cost of them. They are not learnt by playing with their virtual substitutes, any more than real courage is learnt by playing with violent computer games. As people habituate themselves to living in virtual worlds where all is permitted and nothing is paid for, virtues like courage and justice will disappear, since nobody will have a need for them. Without those virtues, however, people will be unable to risk themselves in real encounters, and will hide instead in their narcissistic dreams. Some people look forward to this, hoping for a brave new world of virtual relationships... but surely the best thing about such a world is that no real person will be born there.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Learn to 'Son'...

Have you ever wanted to intimidate your enemy chatters with ridiculous words that may or may not be true? Ever wanted to talk about their mothers while playing a friendly game of Halo, or while sitting in a chat room with nothing better to do in life? If so, this post could be for you.

First, you losers, who try so hard... (cck2ca. edbeldrunk, flyereddie48, etc)... you must identify the situation. If you are only joking around with your fellow chatters in NHL:1, then meaningless jests about each other's mothers or of fantasy rosters is usually the most effective way to go... that is if your name is zr22k or kingovspades.

Continue to talk about your unending skill in whatever activity you are currently enga0ged in. Even if these statements are not true, use them! False 'Sonning' is equally effective as true 'Sonning' (although sometimes you will have to back it up)... that is if your name is wildbp or talker_a_talker.

Repeat the above as necessary. If you feel that your 'Sonning' is ineffective, it's probably a good idea to stop, right cck2ca? Many chatters have built an immunity to trash talking and therefore it doesn't affect them at all, right hotshotschamp? If you run across this kind of person, your best call is to just shut your mouth and own them at whatever you are doing, like fantasy sporting events. If this happens, it is much easier to trash talk that person next time you challenge them at this particular event, that is if you're allowed to participate again.

In the event that you're getting your arse sonned, remove yourself from the situation as soon as possible, right chat 'scrap such as edbel, cck2ca, and too many others to list? If many people see / read your 'sons' and then see you get 'sonned', no one will respect you. Also, your opponent could make you look like a bigger faggit than you already are. If you feel you are losing... abort!!!. Continuing will only make your downfall even worse.

Try some of these tips to bolster your skills, cck2ca -

  • Be extremely loud by typing in all capitals. This triggers a pain receptor in the brain and therefor you could actually force your opponent to feel pain just by "yelling' at them, right bradshaw?
  • Talking about things your opponent can't control is a great strategy, like "look at how much fun we're having in our fantasy leagues without the likes of you"...
  • Using big words, that have a good meaning behind them, also work. Your opponent will not know what the words mean, therefore they become speech less.. right wildbp, mounta_oo or paulie B.?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

7 Simple Rules of Chat...

For those of you who are recent newbies to this blog or even original addicted viewers... you unfortunately know very little about me beyond what you read in my profile. Most of you by now have figured out that my profile is as credible as wildbp's love for chat hos... and that I am not willc49er.

What has been hurting me deeply as of late is that I feel I know you all so much better than you know me. Some of you THINK you know me, which makes it fucking with you even more hilarious. (Just to let you know, my lawyers have advised me to reveal myself as to avoid any more legal action that has been taken up against me. I was like..." thanks, but no thanks... let them pursue.")

Anyway, I have spent the last year or so bouncing around chat rooms, specifically, NHL:1, and I have learned many a thing in that past year. Per the request of so many readers, I graciously shared those chat stories with you. Now it seems that I have offended a few people and have overstepped my boundaries. I generally posted what chatters put out on their own or spoke of over the microphone. Sadly, some thought I was the asshole. But it's you... the chatters... might I remind you, that write this blog. YOU put your business out there for others to read / hear / and see. I only posted as a convenience for those that were not present at the time that wanted to be kept up on the drama.

Now I'm thinking maybe one more post, then wrapping it up. A post on chat room survival.

Rule #1: Don't use your real name.

Okay, maybe your first name is okay. The point being that a simple Google search on one's full name will reveal, piece by piece, lies, personal information, lies, and yeah... more lies. You'll embarrass yourself, you'll leave chat for a day, you'll come back under a 'lurking ID' and get even more upset at seeing fellow chatters are still talking about you. Which takes us to...

Rule #2: It is only a chat room, therefore, DO NOT TAKE WHAT IS SAID IN IT SERIOUSLY.

I repeat, DO NOT TAKE WHAT IS SAID IN CHAT SERIOUSLY. I've seen and heard of way too much heartache because chatters took what was said with 100% seriousness. Remember, this is the Internet. Which takes us to...

Rule #3: Chatters say things that they wouldn't dare say in real life. Some people lie in order to build up their tiny self esteem so as to make themselves feel superior. So keep in mind that when a chatter starts spewing anger, dropping F-bombs, throwing out 'sons', and starts telling 'your momma jokes'... there is no reason to run, cry, hide, etc. Strong chatters learn from these experiences. Which leads us to...

Rule #4: Constructive debate is a good thing. You can actually learn a lot and make friends while constructively debating a topic or constructively talking about a topic. Some chatters have made a ton of friends during my time spent in NHL:1. I have found that if you treat people the way you want to be treated (just like in real life), more often than not, they'll have your back if a particular discussion you're participating in happens to turn nasty. Pussies that use ignore, raise the white flag, talk shit behind other chatters back are the biggest losers of chat rooms. Which leads us to...

Rule #5: Being able to control the situation 100% of the time. When a discussion turns nasty and the venom (or in some cases sperm) seems to hitting from all sides, don't respond in the same way. Rise above it all. Keep cool and stay the course, because if you do, the more irrational the chatters (or sonners) get, but more importantly, you'll get respect from others who may not agree with your point of view, but will admire what you do.

See, I've been able to deal with troublesome people simply by keeping my chatting in a room rational, thoughtful and respectful. Troublesome people hate that. The more rational I get, the more erratic and hysterical chatters get. More importantly, I can find a person's button to push with my viewpoint and hammer it home with enough efficiency to make an interrogator proud. But if that is not possible, then...

Rule #5: If you need to fight fire with fire, do it in a way that doesn't make you look like a piece of chat 'scrap.There have been many chat sessions where I've had to fight fire with fire. I've ripped chatters apart the 'Leatherface" way (chain saw jobs) but with razor-like efficiency. I don't normally recommend doing this, (mainly because you can't) but if you need to seriously reign in a piece of chat 'scrap that is creating havoc for you and your chat mates, this is the way to go. First off, find that particular something that you know will set them off, and secondly, keep working it until they implode. Sonning 101!

Rule #6: Keep your chatters close by not giving them too much ammo. I know that this sounds really strange, but if you want to stay friends with the chatters you meet, don't give them too much personal info. Only give them what you're willing to share with everyone else online, because you can never tell what that person is really like in the real world. I've seen firsthand, the total destruction of people's personal lives, simply because one party got offended over an imagined or real slight, and decided to get even by using info that was given to them in confidence. To this day, I'm very leery of what might happen to me with some of the leftover info that former friends still have on me, which really isn't much, as I live by 7 Simple Rules of Chat.

Rule #7: Don't be afraid to report someone.Seriously, if you're being stalked, harassed or made to look like fool (trust me, there are ways), report the troublesome person. I haven't much to say on this rule. If more information is needed, get with your local piece of chat 'scrap in NHL:1.

So my fellow chatters, bloggers, sonners and yes you too, chat 'scrap... if you remember these 7 Simple Rules of Chat, then you'll always have a decent time participating in NHL:1 or any other chat rooms.

Okay, I've done my part in trying to rebuild NHL:1... what will you do?

Wow, all that typing and I only brought up the names of 2 chatters.

I wonder if I'll be allowed to recieve comments, or will I be shut down. If so, please comment responsibly.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Look who's back...

I have been slapped on the back of the wrist and have paid the price.

I have been given my ink back... with one rule to follow... "Be Nice"

My response... "i'll try"

Below is a list of personalized plates that would fit the chatters of NHL:1 perfectly:

bill (wildbp) --------------------------> PSYMGNT = PUSSY MANAGEMENT

bella (xx_complicated_bella_xx) -----> L8ASUSL = LATE AS USUAL

dean (briereyote) ---------------------> -CSHFLW = NEGATIVE CASH FLOW

tina (citygirl0117) --------------------> IPMS247

deb (berrybusygirl) ------------------> KIDLESS

(dakilangmanok1) ----------------> 88 KEYS

chris (hotshotschamp) ----------------> IFARTED

tasha (not2nice_31) ------------------> 1000101 = 69 (binary humour)

will (willc49er) ------------------------> URPWNED

chris (tml_fan_4_ever) ---------------> ISUKDIK

mary (mary_christine21) -------------> CHARGIT

cerah (hockeymom735) ---------------> GOTMILF

todd (ari_freaking_gold) --------------> BLOUGHME

brittany (fischer.brittany) -------------> DUMBLND = DUMB BLONDE

rachel ( hastingsgirl) ------------------> TOOPHAT

dave (hovy_dovy) --------------------> SSABMUD = DUMBASS backwards

jon (talker_a_talker) -----------------> BVRPLZR = BEAVER PLEASER

tracy (northerncutie08) ---------------> ALC-HOL = ALCOHOL

sherry (sherry_berry27) --------------> BUSHLES

katie (canucks_girl44) -----------------> EZ4U2NV = EASY FOR YOU TO ENVY

dani (aka_rockin_canadian_girl) -------> C D8 ED = SEDATED

jill (boltsgirlvl4) ------------------------> 1CHATHO

justine (lotusblossom604) --------------> MEJ WHO

joe (outovcontroll) ----------------------> DEZNUTZ

tasha (not2nice_31) ---------------------> UFNWISH

ine (foxy_the_first) ---------------------> GEESPOT

mandi (shortybynature) -----------------> MANEATR

linda (forever_frantic) -------------------> CAMLTOE

leesa (steelerschik) ----------------------> TRLTRSH

eddie (flyereddie48-----------------------> VEEEERO

ed (edbeldrunk) --------------------------> RU18QT

paul (jerzzzey) ----------------------------> 1 4 U2C

darren (fire_rescue1985) -----------------> E10FIRE

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Found this while surfing the net...

Yeah... I've fucked her while standing, and I've fucked her while lying (compulsively)..... if my angel had wings, I'd fuck her while flying.

I came in her left eye, and her right eye twice............... now unable to see me, like those 3 blind mice.

I came on her tits, and shot a load in her mouth..... some trickled out, and started flowing south.

If my baby ever gets pregnant, on TV we go........................ paternity sho.

No telling which chatter, has tapped my baby's ass... no telling which student.. after each class... no telling which friend(s) of dear old dad................ OMG............... how many cocks, has she had?

Regardless, I want to be with her, forever you see... or at least until a better chatter, cums for me.

And if this happens, baby........ you won't be forgotten, on a lonely night in chat... I'll still fuck you rotten.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jocko was last seen in...

So, Jocko went down to Jamaica
He was looking to sell some weed
he was doing fine, people standing in line
it was excellent weed indeed

He came across a young man, who was likewise peddling pot
then Jocko slid down the beach and said, boy let me tell you what,
I guess you kinda figured, I'm a reefer head of course
and after all this time I guess, I'm a connoisseur
of sorts

Now your stuff does smell okay, but can it tranquilize a horse
I bet a million in cash against your stash, that mine is better then yours.
the boy said my name is Ripstic and you ain't smoked nothing yet
one hit of this grass will kick your ass, you got yourself a bet

Ripstic rolls a ball of hash and makes sure it's the bomb
because Jocko has the kinda stuff, they smoke in Vietnam
you'll get a million smackaroos in cash if you can cope
but if you can't then bitch, then I get all your dope

Jocko then packed a bong with a little Acapulco Gold
and resin flew from his fingertips as he fired up his bowl
he filled that chamber all the way and he took a mighty hit
and as they passed it back and forth it gave them both a coughing fit

when the bowl was finished Ripstic said, hey man that stuff was great
but fill your lungs with some of this, and prepare to vegetate

cannibas sativa, sweet mary jane
Jocko is in the back yard, frying up his brain
zig zag filled with a diggidy dank
hold on tight it'll hit you like a tank

Jocko nodded off, because he knew that he was stoned
and he asked if he could buy an ounce, of the stuff that Ripstic owned
Ripstic said, Jocko just come on back if you ever want to catch a buzz
I done told you once you son of a bitch, mine is the best there ever was

Thursday, March 12, 2009

...Who's to judge?...

When someone uses the words 'men' and 'rebound' in the same sentence, male minds will quickly conjure up thoughts of their favorite basketball team or player. Women, of course, understand that one is addressing the rushing into a new relationship after the ending of an old one.

So what causes a man to so quickly move on from a chat ho in... let's say Texas... to the arms of a chat ho in... let's say, Canada? Understandably... you might think it has to do with him not being particularly invested in his relationship with the Texas chat ho. I'm thinking due to the speed of his action, that he wasn't at all broken up about the Texas chat ho, and that he had no deep feelings for her like he claimed. Also, he was heard humming in NHL:1, “Another One Bites The Dust” to his listeners 20 minutes after the break-up.

What should that tell his next victim?

When his relationship 'crumbled' before him, it probably caused a huge emotional void. Unlike the chat ho of Texas, he didn't have the social support network(friends list) to console him in his time of pain and sadness. He couldn't cry to his friends, seek solace from previous chat loves, or drown his feelings in a gallon of chocolate ice cream. If he thought that kind behavior would be acceptable, he might engage in it. Like most men, he too is aware that stoicism, soldiering on, and “walking it off” are fundamental guidelines in the male handbook, and breaching these would cause him to be a target of ridicule, pity and serious lampooning from his male chat mates.

So what was he to do? You know he's hurting, but he can’t tell anyone. Grieving and wallowing alone is likely to lead to consuming mass quantities of Jim Beam, to dull the pain. I'm thinking he realized that with limited options available, he had to quickly move to contain his about-to-erupt emotions by filling the vacuum created by the demise of his previous relationship.

And how does he do this?

By seeking out someone else to focus his attention on, both emotional and sexual. And the sooner, the better, for it is this new woman who heals his wounds by allowing him to step back into the comfortable, acceptable space of being the tough, unruffled, man that he is supposed to be. She facilitates his return to a state of being where he can once again feel masculine and in control of himself and his emotions. Order is restored and all is right in NHL:1 again.

So... can it can be stated that the speed in which a man moves from a bitter break-up to a new love, is directly proportional to the pain he’s feeling? Is the deeper the hurt the quicker the hook-up?

Or is it proportional to the fact that he is not emotionally invested in any of his chat hos... and rather than being emotionally invested, he's only with them for the sake of being with someone?

So if you see your ex in the arms of another while in NHL:1 within days (or hours) of your break-up, don’t write him off as a horny, uncaring, slime-bucket. Instead, recognize that he was deeply hurt by the end of your relationship and is doing the best he can to mend his broken heart. With that understanding in place, it is perfectly okay to go home and cut his head out of all the photos of him you own (if he sent you any), and burn them at your next barbecue.

Hey, he deals with his pain one way, those that are jealous, deal with it another way.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

We miss wildbp...

Here's a little song I had to borrow
You might want to sing it, don't be sorrow
Don't worry, be happy.
In even chat life we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy.
Don't worry, be happy now.

*Don't worry, be happy.
Don't worry, be happy.
Don't worry, be happy.
Don't worry, be happy.

Ain't got no place to chat no more,
Somebody sonned you out the door,
Don't worry, be happy.
The chatscrap said your time was up
Still come on by and say whassup,
Don't worry, be happy.

*(Look at me -- I'm happy.
Don't worry, be happy.
Here I give you my phone number.
When you worry, call me, I make you happy.
Don't worry, be happy.)

Ain't got no cash, ain't got no style
Ain't got no gal to make you smile
Don't worry, be happy.
'Cause when you worry your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down
Don't worry, be happy.

*(Don't worry, don't worry, don't do it. Be happy.
Put a smile on your face. Don't bring everybody down.
Don't worry. It will soon pass, whatever it is.
Don't worry, be happy. I'm not worried, I'm happy... )

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sonned back to Star Wars message boards/chat ???

Total Posts: 1,239
Member Since: 06/02


Date Posted: June 11, 2002 08:37 AM

I have to add my 2cents here. I could see why people would think Mace Windu is possibly evil. I was shocked when Mace said that it should be reported that the Jedi no longer have the ability to properly use The Force. that is very strange, and I'm glad Yoda quickly shot it down.
To me, Dooku acts more like a mercenary than a Sith. I think he has visions of him being in control of everything.. how do we know he actually delivered the Death Star plans to Palpatine as he said he would? It's quite possible in part lll he's killed by Anakin or Palpatine himself for betraying and lying to Palpatine. Mace quite possibly could be on "the take" he might be playing both sides. Lots of things remain to be seen and I'm so pumped up I can't stand it. Is it 2005 yet??? :o)

LMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!! at being so pumped up he can't stand it.

Sonned back to Star Wars chat possibly? Did wildbp take Princess Brittany with him? Both have been missing from NHL:1 chat for 24 hours.

I wonder if the nerds will let Bill back in the club?

Member since 2002, but I wonder how long it's been since he has hung out.

LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll bookmark the site in which I found this post just in case we can't find Bill or Britt.

Hilarious !!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

...why do young women like older men...

Why do 20 something year old girls want men in their 30's, 40's, 50's and yes, even their 60's?

Some chatters call it the Sugar Daddy Syndrome, and other chatters say its because 'daddy was never around'. There are numerous chatters that find it sick and perverted, but regardless of chatters' personal views... young women dating older men has become a chat-wide phenomenon.

LOL at these younger chatters falling for the old guy... thinking that this relationship will come with 'benefits'... and lots of them.

Here are some reasons why young chat hos are considering partners twice their age, and making a move to the geriatric side...

1. He can explain a book's plot and storyline to you quickly, therefore saving you the time to actually read the book. (heaven forbid chat scrap hos ever pick up a book and learn something on their own)

2. You can borrow his Grecian Formula to patch any bleached sun spots in your own hair.

3. The big bedroom and or guest room(s) means no rent for you. (also this means your friends and family can move out of their trailer parks and into his home too)

4. If you sprain your ankle, you can use his cane or wheelchair.

5. He qualifies for early bird senior discounts at Denny's, meaning your lazy ass doesn't have to get up and make him breakfast.

6. He'll effectively replace your dad for when pops isn't around. (Fathers Day twice :X)

7. He'll treat 100% of the time, as younger guys have no cash, credit cards, or in many cases, wallets.

8. He can help you with your homework, or if you blow him, he'll even do it for you.

9. He's not sleeping on mommy's couch or living with his parents. (except for zr22k)

10. He doesn't have any drug baggage. Yeah, he probably smoked pot in the 60's and 70's, and did coke in the 80's and 90's, but is most likely clean now. (except for jockoredwing53)

11. You won't have to worry about getting pregnant, his sperm are so old and probably doing the backstroke anyway, right Mitch?

12. He won't argue with you over little, meaningless things. (except for wildbp)

WTF it's chat... be who you want to be, and be who you want to be with.

Go Philadelphia Eagles!

Pens suck l-)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

...Who wants to play...

Let's play a game!

A player is cast as a pig whose goal is to capture the love and attention of as many people as possible. The game's subject reflects some of the social and psychological trends present in social-networking communities, including self-promotion, social anxiety, obsessive need for peer validation, and distraction as entertainment.

How to play:

When you get close enough to someone, you both feel the love.

The more people loving you at once, the more love you feel and the more points you get.

When a person fills up with love, their heart turns to gold. Turn enough hearts to gold to advance to the next round.

If you run out of love, the game is over...

or if your love wants to meet you, break up with them and start a new game.

Now for contestants...

I have a few chatters in mind.

Do you?