Sunday, September 30, 2007

Ari > Oz... Fact!

Seems like most of the fun these days happens in the early mornings. And funny, Paul and Oz are always present.

Today it is Oz and Todd... not as entertaining as Linda and Kate, but amusing. I must say again, that Oz is the most insecure individual I have ever heard from. Generally you don't hear much out of Todd, but something Oz said must have got to him tonight. Oz again boasting to the room what he's worth. Like anyone gives a shit. Is that how you got Shannon in bed Oz was telling her your net worth? Or did you buy her for a few years until you're a U.S. citizen, then out the door she goes? LOL at you getting custody of your daughter when this happens.

canadians_05: you dont lead a married life Oz you chat 20/7
ari_freaking_gold: citizenship marriage
ari_freaking_gold: ur dad paid her
ari_freaking_gold: u have no job
canadians_05: you bought a bed in the states Oz
ari_freaking_gold: how u looking after her
canadians_05: fact
briereyote: lol
briereyote: oz you dont have $
briereyote: stfu
ari_freaking_gold: lol you live in a 90k house

briereyote: he said 60k
ari_freaking_gold: lol @ yote
briereyote: ari before
ari_freaking_gold: 83
briereyote: now 90 lol?
ari_freaking_gold: 60k yea
canadians_05: dean 3rd smartest
ari_freaking_gold: shit ur right
ari_freaking_gold: lol
ari_freaking_gold: 52k
ari_freaking_gold: fuck
briereyote: what kind of car you have oz?
canadians_05: $150

Todd is wondering what a $150.00 vehicle looks like. Oz saying it's again going to be worth $2,500 when it's done.

ari_freaking_gold: not if you include the spray paint and duct tape though paul
elevati0n84: lol
ari_freaking_gold: 14 rolls of duct tape and 8 cans of spray paint

Adding the above makes it worth $150.00

Jerzzzey saying the interior is so screwed and the seatbelts don't work that Oz has to duct tape his daughter and carseat to the back of the seat. Then he says it takes some time to get her out as he peels off the tape.

ari_freaking_gold: oz you have shit
ari_freaking_gold: stop talking fuck
canadians_05: 52k
ari_freaking_gold: anyone who had any real money would never consider buying a home for 52k
ari_freaking_gold: ever
ari_freaking_gold: under any circumstance
canadians_05: ever
ari_freaking_gold: no one would even buy a 52k home to slum rent
ari_freaking_gold: its sad that you told us it was 52k
ari_freaking_gold: if we didnt know the price we could at least think you were lying
canadians_05: Oz layaway plans going on at kmart now amelias xmas gifts going to be a week late

Oz, tell us again about that $52k home that is worth 250k now. This, in an area where houses don't exceed $200k. Must be all the money you've invested into it. New cabinets, floors, etc... when do you have the time to do all this? You're always in friggin chat. And let's not forget about that truck you bought, the one worth less than Paul's headphone set, but after you fix it up will be worth $2.500. What a joke you are.

canadians_05: Oz living in the Motel 6 paying by the week
ari_freaking_gold: lol yep
elevati0n84: lolol
ari_freaking_gold: not even motel 6
ari_freaking_gold: 1 step down
ari_freaking_gold: local crack hotel in pittsburgh

The quote of the night... "ari_freaking_gold: when you get up from your computer oz be careful that the chair doesnt role over your large vagina"

Oz making a phone call to daddy in regards to where Todd seems to be affiliated with. I'm taking it that when Oz went quiet, he was on the phone ;) trying to expose Todd... then Todd leaves and Oz appears, how odd... then...

lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: todd exposed as a fraud
briereyote: rowbuhtie!
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: he got cocky and thought I wouldn't find out
briereyote: Oz you loser
briereyote: true
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: he should never have given a company name
canadians_05: Oz post the shit you looked up
canadians_05: link please
canadians_05: thats what i thought
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: hold on
canadians_05: stfu
canadians_05: too late
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: was away from the keyboard
canadians_05: time is up
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: that's their website
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: funny no mention of arizona
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: lol
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: no mention of 2 hqs
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: just one
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: that's before I even call them
briereyote: oz
briereyote: that was fast

canadians_05: carissa looks like that creature ALF -
canadians_05: or is it just me
ari_freaking_gold: link didnt work
elevati0n84: carissa looks like the fuckin hulk

ari_freaking_gold: oz i dont give a fuck what your parents have done
ari_freaking_gold: not even the least bit of a fuck
ari_freaking_gold: youve done fuckall
ari_freaking_gold: fact
ari_freaking_gold: book that shit
briereyote: 16
ari_freaking_gold: you worked since 15
ari_freaking_gold: and yet now live in a shoebox
briereyote: you told the chatroom at 16 you were owning all the yahoo chat rooms oz

canadians_05: Oz so flustered he's forgetting who he's talking to
ari_freaking_gold: lmfao especially if hes been lying
ari_freaking_gold: because i told the truth about my manshun
ari_freaking_gold: 52k worth
canadians_05: how can you forget who is who Oz you live in here

LOL at Oz calling daddy to win a chat fight. Fact is Oz, you lost. There is no validity to anything you said. Todd wasn't unreasonable in asking for pictures of the house, in or out. No documents were shown as you stated you could produce them. I don't understand why one has to lie. Do you think it makes you a better man Oz by being the richest, strongest, smartest, of a chat room? Those that have nothing are always the most vocal. And in that category, you do win.

The argument was over 5 minutes into it Oz. But yet you kept going with it. Trying to convince others in the room you were right. You kept going, and going, and going until you got so furstrated that you kicked Todd out of your league. What a pussy. But I guess by doing that, you added more proof that he owned you.

Oz talking shit behind Todd's back again...

canadians_05: we've had enough bullshit and lies tonight bobbob speak the truth why are you here
bobbob303: <--------------- the blogger
bobbob303: lmfao
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: todd showed he is full of lies
canadians_05: youre too stupid
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: and i'm waiting on an email back to get the final nail in his dumb fuck coffin
canadians_05: and the blogger is elevation
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: todd exposed for the liar he is
elevati0n84: jerz u fag
jerzzzey: LOL

It started out as a fun filled morning... Lindsay admitting she's masturbated on cam for Oz, Oz admitting he took pictures... Paul admitting he's in love with Mary_Christine and could care less what Thornton thinks. You know, fun stuff. Paul stating he's more fit than Oz with a better physique and wanting a "cam off" to prove to the room... canadians_05: fact azn jenn says paul has a better bod than oz. Oz declines because he's on the rag this week and feels bloated. Dean on cam showing his goods. All entertaining. Then Oz screws it up in trying to make himself look better than everyone else.

Fact is Oz, Todd has a car worth half the value of your home that I think most people would choose to live out of, rather than your gingerbread house. Tell us the part again where the realtor took $10k off because you paid cash. Each time you speak of your home you add a little something new. No one knows what to believe from you anymore.

So since we had some time to kill we decided to talk about Oz's wife. Is she really sleeping with the cook at Denny's Oz? Why does the mailman enter your home when the mailbox is outdoors? These are just some of the questions the room has. Don't you think they deserve an answer? Rumor has it you're the only one not sleeping with your wife. Oz, might I suggest you check her toothbrush immediately after she brushes. If you see hair on it, my guess is it's pubes of her male friends. It would be more of a turn on if it were female friends, but I don't think she swings that way... at least last time I spoke with her she didn't.

canadians_05: you ever sniff that cooch Oz i bet it smells like fried chicken bangin the KFC cashier
briereyote: oz lets her make $$$ on the side
briereyote: crazy
briereyote: oz thats goin to the xtreme man
briereyote: shes cheating on you
briereyote: for sure
canadians_05: elevati0n lol

It even comes to the point where pavel gets involved...

alexovechkin8_2009: how often does oz romance shannon, and we all know the bitches love that shit
alexovechkin8_2009: lmfao
alexovechkin8_2009: like, when?!
briereyote: neevr
canadians_05: tagged goods
alexovechkin8_2009: LMFAO@JERZZY
briereyote: he romances the keyboard like 20 hrs day
canadians_05: half this room has hit shannon

ari_freaking_gold: you might be the most overconfident person for no reason ive ever met oz
ari_freaking_gold: not including mitch

mallred27: i have a question for you then
elevati0n84: shoot
mallred27: do you think Bernier will stay up, or go back to the juniors?
elevati0n84: no but i fucked ur mom last night in a holiday inn
mallred27: lmfao

And that's how the morning ended!

Friday, September 28, 2007

IQ check at the door before entering...

I was so overwhelmed with joy yesterday when the individuals of NHL:1 veritably showed a hint of intellect and held an entertaining conversation on, of all topics, hockey. I was even more impressed with the likes of Cck2ca, Northerncutie, and Thornton_19_Ca.

Cck2ca and I spoke of Isaac Newton and the Newtonian Revolution for over an hour. Northerncutie and I spoke a little of Galileo Galilei / The New Science... and her interest in Astronomy and Physics.
Thornton_19_ca and I squabbled for a few about Charles Darwin, and the theory of Evolution... that is, before he had to go clean his room.

Then, sadly to say, my wife smacks me on the head with a Maxim magazine and says "you would probably be more comfortable sleeping on the bed." See, I had fallen asleep behind the computer. Yes, I was dreaming of NHL:1 chatters actually showing signs of intelligence. I was so disappointed in that dream, that as I walked out of the computer room, and into the elevator that would take me up to the bedroom, I punched the wall. I was also embarrassed that I pulled an Obi Wan Weiss and fell asleep while in chat. But if you knew my schedule, you would totally understand. So off to bed I went, wondering again... if, when, what, why,who, how... most members of NHL:1 would ever make it through life.

Okay, a good nights rest, a 6 mile run, shower, breakfast, a few of business calls and now a couple of hours posting my thoughts and suggestions.

Lets's first talk about intelligence. There are many definitions of intelligence but the quote I like best is:

"A global concept that involves an individual's ability to act purposefully, think rationally, and deal effectively with the environment."

I imagine by now I've lost a few chatters. Those of you that are still with me, PM your friends, tell them it's okay to come back. I'll make this as easy and painless as possible.

So...your opinion on the above...who in NHL:1 resembles that quote? In my years, I have seen 100's of chatters come and go. There are a few smart cookies to have blessed the room with their presence... Mounta_00, Not2visible_31, Ninetythreerookieoftheyear, Sherry_Berry27, Land of the Shire, Superhero_Fighting_Stupidity...Sharkfan_in559. Their IQ's hover in the 140's and it repeatedly shows while in the room. Fact is though, the so called "sonners" show intelligence far greater than any other individuals to have entered NHL:1, let alone the states and provinces they reside in. There isn't a topic they don't have a response to. No question goes unanswered with these individuals present. If you don't believe me, try this... ask a question of Modern Anthropology... Quantum Mechanics...the Structure of DNA... X-ray Crystallography... the Binomial Nomenclature... the list is endless. If you don't get the correct answer, they're posing as a "sonner" and is just one of those that we will call "a lofty aspirant". Those mentioned in this paragraph fit nicely into that quote above.

Anyway, below is a bit of information I put together for you. Take a minute to look it over and ask yourself where you currently fit in. Then ask yourself where would you like to be. I then will tell some of you where you are, based on what I've seen. I will then tell you where I think some of you could be, where some of you should be, and where some of you will always be.

The average IQ score is 100. The standard deviation of IQ scores is 15. So, this means:

A) 50% of people have IQ scores between 90 and 110
B) 2.5% of people are very superior in intelligence (over 130)
C) 2.5% of people are mentally deficient / impaired / retarded (under 70)
D) 0.5% of people are near genius or genius (over 140)

Okay, with a raise of a hand, how many of you lied to yourselves? Probably 85% of you. Because 85% of you fit into the deficient / impaired / and retarded bracket but won't admit it. Seems like every quarter it goes up .05%. People, this has got to stop. What are we going to do to bring up your score? We'll get to that in a few.

What I want to do is label the categories A - B - C - D and place your names next to the appropriate category.

"A" list -
Evilgigs, Jerzzzey, Verucagirl21, Citygirl0117, Canucks_girl44, Islesrgreat17, Alexovechkin8_2009,

"B" list -
Vicesandhabits, Lotusblossum, Briereyote, Talker_a_Talker, Jockoredwing53, Oz_santwyk, Julyladybug16

"C" list - All chat scrap not mentioned on A -B- D

"D" list -
Land of the Shire, Sharkfan_in559, Sherry_Berry27, ninetythreerookieoftheyear, Not2Visible_31, Mounta_00, Superhero_Fighting_Stupidity

Just to prove to yourselves most of you are lying, try taking a test via the link below:

I know, many of you are thinking I'm as crazy as Linda, Kate, and Bradshaw combined. At times I may very well be. At times we are all a bit crazy, but that's a whole separate topic. We can talk of the mind altering drugs and therapy involved on that subject at a later date.

What are we going to do to get the Thorntons, Lindas, CCks, Nhlphis off the deficient list? How about Northerncutie, Dana Priddy, Hotshotchamp, and Heather off the impaired list? Worse yet, the Ripstics, FireRescues, Chelles, and Spliffs off the retarded list. Some have done a good job by limiting their chat hours. I've noticed dramatic cut-backs in Heather, Fire, and Chelle. I'm hoping that they're using that extra time wisely reading books and listening to motivational tapes. Northerncutie, Dana Priddy, Ripstic, Hotshotchamp, they spend time in the room... usually under ID's not recognized by the normal chatter. They're in for reasons that I can at least say I'm somewhat proud of. They do converse with the elite. They do ask questions, they do take notes, and they do show signs of improvement each and every time I visit with them.

As far as Linda, Thornton, Cck2ca, Nhlphi go, all I can suggest is leaving chat for 6 months. There is to be no lurking, no PM'S, no communication with Yahoo, MSN, AIM whatsoever. You 4 by far have the biggest issues in NHL:1. Thornton can win every negative category hands down. He's on his way to his 2nd victory in as many polls that he has been nominated for. Linda goes ballistic on every chatter for no apparent reason... well no logical reason anyway. She is obviously going through a rough time in her life but is too STUPID to see what 21 hours of chat a day is doing to her. Brain power and energy are being wasted in chat Linda, take a break.Get an education... you're not getting any younger, only dumber by hanging out with the crowd you do. Cck2ca, Nhlphi... good luck to you. Read, read, read... I can't say it enough. Even if it's on one subject only. I'd rather you 2 learn a little of something of 1 subject than trying to take on too many topics and learn nothing. You 2 alone when entering NHL:1 drop the IQ considerably. May I suggest a book to the 4 of you that I personally enjoyed reading, and have been told likewise by others. It is titled:

The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life management... Proven Strategies for Increased Productivity and Inner Peace.

"If you truly want to manage change and make the days and decisions of your life count, this is your owners manual"

Read, read, read people. Ask questions from the above mentioned geniuses. No one has to stay in the category they're in now.

With my next post I will match up a "chatter" with one of the "Scientific 100" also known as The 100 Most Influential Scientists, past and present. For Example: Bels Belfour could be matched up with Louis Pasteur and his works... Germ Theory of Disease. Linda could be matched up with Sigmund Freud and read Psychology of the Unconscious or Kate with William Herschel and the Discovery of the Heavens. Each will have an Influential Scientist to study. In 3 months we will get together and share everything that we have learned. Those that pass the "test" will be given a new Scientist to study. Those that fail, will be re-tested in 30 days. Those that fail a second time must make a promise to leave chat for 3 months. A 3rd failed exam and the chatter must promise never to enter NHL:1 again. Chat scrap must be eliminated!

Okay, my 2 hours are up here. If at any time you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I check my blog daily. I respond to serious requests only. And of course, don't forget your neighborhood "sonner"... approach them with respect and love and they will be more than happy to work with you. Disrespect them, and... let's just say I can't be held responsible for what happens next.

Happy reading to all!

We'll talk soon.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Who is the blogger...

New Poll created by popular demand!

Polls open for 2 weeks!

NHL:1 theme song for the guys...Online by Brad Paisley

An interesting song Not2visible suggested to Jockoredwing53 one night while in chat...

I listened to it and realized, wow, a song made for the men of NHL:1 chat.

I work down at the Pizza Pit -----------------> Rich / Obi Wan
And I Drive an old Hyundai ------------------> Craig / Spliff
I still live with my mom and dad -------------> Jimmy / Alexovehkin9_2009
I'm 5 foot 3 and overweight ------------------> Ryan / Antiwhy
I'm a scifi fanatic -----------------------------> Charlie / Irish Avs Fan
A mild asthmatic -----------------------------> Mike / Mike92chevy
And I've never been to second base ----------> Lou / Nhlphi
But there's whole 'nother me -----------------> Chris / Hotshotchamp
That you need to see
Go checkout MySpace'

Cause online I'm out in Hollywood -------------> Joe / Joenaldiinho
I'm 6 foot 5 and I look damn good -------------> Scott / Ripstic1616
I drive a Maserati -----------------------------> Todd / Ari_Freaking_Gold
I'm a black-belt in karate ---------------> Oz / lllxxx_king_of_Kings_xxxlll
And I love a good glass of wine -----------------> Bill / Land of the Shire
It turns girls on that I'm mysterious -----------> Jon / Talker_a_Talker
I tell them I don't want nothing serious'
Cause even on a slow day
I could have a three way
Chat with two women at one time --------------> Jockoredwing53
I'm so much cooler online ----------------------> Jim / ZR22k
So much cooler online

When I get home I kiss my mom ---------------> Paul / Jerzzzey
And she fixes me a snack
And I head down to my basement bedroom ----> Michael / Thornton_19_Ca
And fire up my Mac
In real life the only time I've ever even been to L.A
Is when I got the chance with the marching band
To play tuba in the Rose Parade

Online I live in Malibu
I pose for Calvin Klein, I've been in GQ
I'm single and I'm rich
And I've got a set of six pack abs that would blow your mind
It turns girls on that I'm mysterious
I tell them I don't want nothing serious'
Cause even on a slow dayI could have a three way
Chat with two women at one time
I'm so much cooler online
So much cooler online

When you got my kind of stats ------------------------> Chris / CCK2ca
It's hard to get a date
Let alone a real girlfriend ------------------------------> Mitch / Five for fighting
But I grow another foot and I lose a bunch of weight ----> Dean / Briereyote
Every time I login

I'm out in Hollywood
I'm 6 foot 5 and I look damn good
Even on a slow day
I could have a three way
Chat with two women at one time
I'm so much cooler online
Yeah, I'm cooler online
I'm so much cooler online
Yeah, I'm cooler online

Yeah, I'm cooler online

Yeah, I'll see ya online

Monday, September 24, 2007

Linda and Kate go at it...

Just a little something I overhead in the room this morning...

Looks like the shit has hit the fan in NHL:1. Kate exploded on Linda, finally telling her repeatedly to get a life. Looks like there's a war going on between Linda, Kate, Hotshotchamp, Outovcontroll, and Katie. They're all fat cows according to Kate. Tasha is fake also according to Kate and cannot be trusted.

This is unfortunately when I entered the NHL:1 room this morning. But thanks to my good friends Paul and Oz, I will be updated on what I missed.

Fact is Kate has no life! Kate is extremely jealous of Linda. Kate couldn't carry Linda's wooden leg let alone her jockstrap.

Chris insulted Kate from what I heard. Linda copy and pasted derogatory comments from Hotshotchamp that were meant for privacy.

Paul, being the nice guy that he is ... is still the biggest instigator around...though Oz is a close 2nd... got the ball rolling on with this one.

LOL @ Kate thinking Paul is a nice guy. Better than Chris, who by the sounds of it broke Kate's heart, even though Kate sent him gifts.

lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: all we are missing is tasha and then we'd have the trio

lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: cute little paulie so sweet and NICE
elevati0n84: IM MEAN
elevati0n84: and ruthless
elevati0n84: im a good guy
elevati0n84: i son only those i dont like
elevati0n84: lol

Oz in the room looking for action. Kate sonning Oz to tears saying "if you want action, get in bed with your wife for a change." =))

Now Kate is denying she ever liked Chris =)) All a big misunderstanding.

If people don't want their business publicized keep it out of chat =)) Don't get mad at me.

Hotshotchamp copying and pasting to everyone that Kate has no parents and he does. What a loser. Kate should have listened to Linda months ago when she warned her of Chris. Kate should have deleted Chris before she got her feelings hurt. Fact is if you're dumb enough to trust Hotshotchamp, you deserve to have your feelings hurt.

Linda deep down is attracted to Chris. Chris is in love with Joe. Kate loves Joe. Kate hates Linda. Linda loves Joe despite Joe hating Linda. Okay, quiz on that later.

Linda claiming she can't be attracted to Hotshotchamp as she has only shown 1 picture of him, as a 16 year old. For all she knows it's fake. Chris has not posted an updated picture of himself because he is a fake according to Lindsay. Lindsay called off their visit because she could not trust him according to Linda.

Linda admitting Kate is right about everything, everything about her chat life, but has no clue about real life.

Kate to Linda... "you could never be a true friend, can never be trusted." Linda admitting again Kate is right about everything.

Chris posting PM's that Katie has said to him in confidentiality. Chris cannot be trusted and according to Linda, Chris is a gossiping little bitch... worse than a woman.

Linda responsible for breaking up Chris and Kate. Kate saying Linda is a spitefull little bitch. Linda backstabbed Kate. What a disappointment. Linda can't have Joe, and Linda wanted to make sure Kate couldn't have Chris.

Kate telling Linda to get a life and get over Joe. "Kate, be my psychologist."

Linda admitting that Joe is a loser, yet she needed his attention all this time. Not anymore, she's done with him. Kate claiming to be a true friend, but can only take so much of Linda's erractic behavior. Kate blaming Paul and Oz for all of this. Paul and Oz cannot be trusted according to Kate.

Tell me Kate who can be trusted?

Kate telling Linda not to hurt anyone again or she'll have no friends, ending up as a relcuse like Joe, with nothing in life.

Kate pissed off that Chris ignored her a few days ago. Kate has no interest in him though. =)) I am so confused about the whole Kate / Chris relationship =))

Linda yelling at Kate on the mic, "can you listen for 2 minutes without bitching?"

Linda calling the sonners stupid. Sonners are far from stupid.

Kate trying to figure out why Linda talks to Joe despite all the insults thrown at her by him. Now Kate blames Chris for Linda's and Joe's breakup. Fact is all 4 of you are losers.

Linda warning over and over that Chris is a loser. Now Kate realizes that she was right. Linda saying Chris was a smuck, loser, fag, lifeless, and hates woman.

Kate saying Linda sounding pathetic and to get a life. Both Linda and Kate affiliated with losers in Joe and Chris, both need lives.

Linda jealous of the blogger. Kate thinking Linda is obsessed with the blogger. Blogger thinking they both want attention and write-ups.

Neither of these ladies have anything going for them. They're both on medication... FACT! I think the dosages need to be increased for both.

lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: kate is crazy not to mention ugly as sin
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: she looked up ways to kill chris
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: perfect murder
elevati0n84: lol

Kate sending chocolates to the guys of the room =)) for attention.

elevati0n84: hey kate can u buy me a ps3
elevati0n84: and send it 2 me
elevati0n84: :)

Kate saying she doesn't need a man. Kate... fact is you can't get a man.

Think about it Kate... Chris, Jimmy, you can't do much worse than that in chat =)) 2 virgins.

forever_frantic: =))
elevati0n84: i left a post oz
elevati0n84: tellin the blogger
elevati0n84: 2 pm me
elevati0n84: for some info

Little did elevation84 know, I was already all over that =))

Linda cannot be trusted. She will hold onto everything just for that day to copy and paste to everyone. Trying to make someone look as bad as her.

lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: don't forget the part where kate says she is going to kill chris with arsenic and blame pms for it

Oz telling Linda she has no real life, coming from the man who's babysitter is SpongeBob, and spends no time with his family.

Linda trying to convince the room she's going outdoors when her sister gets home =)), like that will happen.

elevati0n84: um gonna go write the blog
elevati0n84: brb
elevati0n84: i mean
elevati0n84: nevermind
forever_frantic: =))

Paul go clean your room =))... you have no time for blogging.

LOL at Linda mentioning her sisters place having internet connection, high priority in that family =)) Bring her ass online Linda.

lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: linda whistleblowed
forever_frantic: oz have you hugged your daughter today? =))
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: linda snitched
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: linda tattle tailed
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: linda told stories
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: linda told tales
forever_frantic: linda fibbed
lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll: who said lied

Linda realizing now she needs chat and is now making up with Oz and Paul. I bet she makes up with Joe, Chris and Kate soon. Linda has nothing better to do but chat and must keep these friends of hers.

After Kate departs everyone tries to figure out who the blogger is.

Did I mention that Kate was jealous of Linda?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Internet Dating 101

With the Internet changing everything from the way we shop to the way we find driving directions, cyberspace has become the hottest pick-up joint on the planet. While just a few short years ago, finding love online was a topic for a daytime talk show, now it seems everyone knows at least one person who dated someone they met online, if not fell in love and lived happily ever after. I would welcome any information of NHL:1 on-line romances for part 2 of this topic. I am aware of a few relationships and have witnessed both success stories and big-time failures. Since most all of you reading this are on-line daters I thought this might be of help to you.

A few benefits of meeting online for you losers that don't go outdoors...

-You get to know people who share your interests, values, and goals.
-You know they are looking for some kind of relationship.
-There's no swapping of personal information until you're comfortable with it.
-You get to meet people you otherwise might not have met .
-You are not limited to those in your zip code who happen to go to the same places you go.

Allow me to post a few helpful hints based on what I have seen in NHL:1.

Start Slow
Watch out for someone who seems too good to be true or seems to be blowing sunshine up your ass. Begin by communicating solely via Yahoo within the NHL:1 room only, and look for odd behavior or inconsistencies. The person at the other end may not be who or what he or she says. Trust your instincts. If anything makes you uncomfortable, walk away for your own safety and protection.

Guard your anonymity
Never include your last name, email address, home address, phone number, place of work or any other identifying information in your Yahoo profile or initial messages. When corresponding with another NHL:1 member, turn off your pm's. Don't try to juggle 6 chatters at once for fear of saying the wrong thing to the wrong person, or having one chatter thinking they're not getting your full undivided attention. Stop communicating with anyone who pressures you for personal information or attempts in any way to trick you into revealing it

Exercise caution and common sense
Careful, thoughtful decisions generally yield better on-line dating results. Guard against trusting the untrustworthy; chatters must earn your trust gradually, through consistently honorable, forthright behavior. Take all the time you need to test for a trustworthy chatter and pay careful attention along the way. If you suspect someone is lying, he or she probably is, so act accordingly. Be responsible about romance, and don’t fall in love at the click of a mouse.

Request a photo
A photo will give you a good idea of the person's appearance, which may prove helpful in achieving a gut feeling. In fact, it’s best to view several images of someone in various settings: casual, formal, indoor and outdoors. If all you hear are excuses about why you can't see a photo, consider that he or she has something to hide. One photo of this individual is not proof of who they say they are.

Chat on the phone
A phone call can reveal much about a person’s communication and social skills. Consider your security and do not reveal your personal phone number to a stranger. Try a cell phone number instead or use local telephone blocking techniques to prevent your phone number from appearing in Caller ID.

Meet when you are ready
The beauty of meeting and relating online is that you can collect information gradually, later choosing whether to pursue the relationship in the offline world. You never are obligated to meet anyone, regardless of your level of online intimacy. And even if you decide to arrange a meeting, you always have the right to change your mind. It’s possible that your decision to keep the relationship at the anonymous level is based on a hunch that you can’t logically explain. Trust yourself. Go with your instincts.

Watch for red flags
Pay attention to displays of anger, intense frustration or attempts to pressure or control you. Acting in a passive-aggressive manner, making demeaning or disrespectful comments or any physically inappropriate behavior are all red flags.

You should be concerned if your online mate exhibits any of the following behavior without providing an acceptable explanation:

· Provides inconsistent information about age, looks, marital status, profession or employment.
· Refuses to speak to you on the phone after establishing ongoing, online intimacy.
· Fails to provide direct answers to direct questions.

In finishing I would like to leave you with this...

NEVER say "I love you" before you've met! This may seem like a silly thing to say, but I've seen supposed "internet dating success stories" that read something like "I have found the love of my life. We are planning on getting married. I am going to meet him next week..." Sure, you may think that person you're writing to is the coolest thing since sliced bread, but REALLY... you don't know someone until you really meet them. Everything they're saying could be a lie. That picture could be fake. One of my male buddies met a girl who had been sending pictures of her sister.

Part 2 will include success stories and failures that I have been able to put together over the years. It will also contain information that you have provided of NHL:1 chat loves as well. I don't want this to always be a "me" thing. I will always encourage input from all the readers.

I would also like to go a bit deeper into some of the topics mentioned above on my next post.

We are about 24 hours from closing the polls. Looks like Jocko is going to be voted in as President of NHL:1. Thornton as expected, (and lord only knows why I listed 4 nominees) is dominant again as the biggest loser of NHL:1. Like we needed a poll for this. As soon as I get all the information together, I will be posting a "Hottest Chat Couple" ballot. Please let me know who should be considered for this.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Feeling generous...

I woke up in such a giving mood today and thought while I was out, I would pick up a few things for the following chatters:

1.) Bels_Belfour - a polygraph machine... hook it up to yourself Veronica before you chat, and if the needle moves while typing, don't hit enter. Chances are it's a lie. Disconnect the polygraph machine, and get on mic.

2.) Flyereddie - Hair dye... as he heard frosted tips were coming back in style. Veronica soon to be on the prowl... again. Pepsi sucks... "Have a Coke and a Smile" :)

3.) Antiwhy - Lean Cuisine gift certificates and 1 year membership to Bally Fitness... as he can't play a round of 18 due to fatigue after the first 3 holes. Or maybe he was intimidated by the windmill and couldn't move onto the 4th hole.

4.) Skinny_Chelle - Gift certificates to McDonald's... who at last weigh-in tipped the scales at 89 lbs.

5.) Forever_Frantic - indoor tanning bed... and a new computer desk with wheels with a 50ft. extension cord so she can monitor the chat room while tending to household chores.

6.) Flygirl_44 - A gift certificate for a nose job... as jerzzzey is getting tired of her nose getting in the way of his virtual blowjob.

7.) Willc_49er - Autographed photo of johnny chan... to be displayed next to his bed in place of the NHL:1's Katie_luvs_her_dallas_stars who turned out to be fake.

8.) Hotshotchamp - Nacho BelGrandes for a year... and a gallon of pepto-bismol oh yeah, and a new pair of boxers.

9.) Oz Santwyk - Rogaine... ... and Massengill Extra Cleansing Douche, 2-Pack... soak in it... you pussy! Enough said.

10.) Evilgigs - Scooby snacks... what does andys_chat_name see in that... other than shytowners jizz.

11.) Not2visible_31 - Voice changer... that voice cannot be real. And maybe an introduction to DJ Ricky, a neighbor and possible lover out of chat.

12.) Joenaldiinho - Sleeping aids... as he likes dreaming of Linda getting married... but not to him.

13.) Cheese_Bossman - A new inflatable girlfriend... and two rolls of duct tape. His doll will look like the Tin Man after 1 week. Book it!

14.) Jerzzzey - Movies... and a jar of vaseline. Other than this, he has it all.

15.) Heartofdixiebrat... I don't even know where to start here! Maybe all of the above, maybe everything down below.

16.) Ari_Freaking_Gold - Male Enhancement supplements... never to be ridiculed again in his life! About his penis size anyway.

17.) Talker_a_Talker - calling card(s)... for all the phone sex he engages in. Psssst., call your daughter.

18.) Dean - Acne medicine... lately he has become quite defensive over his personal appearance. This seems to hurt more than the short jokes.

19.) Hockeyxgirlie - a time machine... so she can go back in time and forget that Chris from chat ever took her virginity and never called her again.

20.) Mobiusstrip - 1 year membership to...

21.) Land_of_the_Shire - cabin for two at North Carolina's finest... plus miscellaneous signed memorabilia and a bottle of Junior Johnson's creation, Midnight Moon.

22.) Citygirl0117 - a best selling book... the latest version of Hasbro's Ebonic Literati and a plane ticket to North Carolina (see above).

23.) Yet_a_newname - a date with a professional... as his first should be something to remember. Canucks_girl44 is not considered a professional and would prefer you be experienced before engaging in sex with her.

24.) Njdevils_girl28 - an exercise video... to reclaim that body she had 19 years ago. How old is she now, 22?

25.) Boo_denali - A razor... so we can actually see her face on cam.

26.) Ripstic5021 - viagra... so we can actually see his cock on cam.

27.) sherry_berry27 - personal hygiene products... as cleanliness is next to godliness and she WAS with five for fighting.

28.) Sharkfan_in559 - new pair of workboots... as it's almost time to get back to work picking fruits and vegetables. Maybe a new pair of work gloves as well.

29.) Northerncutie08 - self help book... so her husband will stop working 12 hour days and bangin the secretary 4 of those hours.

30.) Irish_avs_fan - counseling... why is it he falls in love with girls half his age? Suggestion... to keep the girls for more than 10 minutes... put some sunglasses on, those serial killer eyes are a deterrent.

31.) Shortybynature_mandi - a book case... somewhere to showcase the severed cocks of chat men accumulated over the years for LilBudd to see, which shall serve as a reminder not to bang her.

32.) Fire_rescue1985 - educational toys... and not necessarily for his newborn child. Maybe she can educate him with them in a few years.

33.) Jockoredwing53 - 8 ozs. of Black Magic which contains high-grade essential oils and resin extracts imported directly from India. Not for the weak - ultra potent... best marijuana money can buy and a new raft for when Hurricane Bradshaw hits.

34.) cck2ca - the letter "0"... so he can spell his ID correctly.

35.) canadiens08 - MSN membership for 1 year... so he can get his broke ass back online and not chat from the library.

36.) Gaggergirl - a case of budweiser... bottled beer of course and a carafe of Sliquid H2O Intimate Lubricant.

37.) Thornton_19_ca - strap-on penis and scrotum- better apply for another credit card because when the girls see this new manhood he's going to want them to stay in love with him.

38.) The_evil_empire - a blanket and pillow... for the next time he gets evicted and has to live under the bridge. BTW Steve you still owe Jocko $300 for the last time it happened.

I'll finish up my shopping this weekend, as I don't want anyone feeling left out.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

All I want for XMAS is my nutsack to drop -Thornton

Seems like every year Thornton starts to make out his Xmas list earlier and earlier. And every December 26th we get to hear that high pitched voice of his that makes Not2Visible_31's voice sound like James Earl Jones'. I guess he figures if he gets his Xmas wish in even earlier this year, then he'll have a better shot at getting that much needed gift he so desperately seeks. Someone needs to tell him there is no Santa, or at least not a Santa that delivers sexual organs.

Thornton could just be a late bloomer... a slow developer. Puberty occurs in boys roughly from ages thirteen to sixteen. It is not something that happens overnight, but rather it is a process that occurs in stages and at different ages for different people. Thornton is, I believe, 27. I can see why he may be getting a little frustrated. The other night I thought I heard a slightly different tone of voice out of him. I hope that was a sign of puberty and not a sign of catching a cold. Why have so many younger males developed so much quicker than Thornton? The answer is in the hormones. Even in the womb, a male fetus contains small amounts of the "male" hormone—testosterone. Maybe some of the testosterone leaked out of him? Is that even possible? Is there a real doctor in the house?

I hope I don't embarrass anyone here. This is not my intention. I want to show Thornton the stages of development just in case he never gets to experience all 5 stages personally.

Stage One: (approximately between ages nine and twelve)
No visible signs of development occur, but, internally, male hormones become a lot more active.

Stage Two: (approximately between ages nine to fifteen)
Height will increase and the shape of the body will change. Muscle tissue and fat are developing at this time.

Stage Three: (approximately between ages eleven and sixteen)
The penis will finally start to grow during this stage. Muscle tissue increases and the voice will start to change and deepen.

Stage Four: (approximately eleven to seventeen)
At this time, the penis starts to grow in width, too. The testicles and scrotum are also continuing to grow.

Stage Five: (approximately fourteen to eighteen)
Boys will be reaching their full adult height. Pubic hair and the genitals will look like an adult man's would.

Okay, enough of that.

Thornton overall is a pretty good guy. The guys seem to enjoy his presence in the room (especially Jerzzzey) and the women just adore him (and his credit card) especially Mary_Christine. I have heard of Thornton buying gifts for the girls of the room, but whether that is true or not, I don't know. Seems like what is fact, is that he shelled out $7,000 to some girl in Florida to help pay her bills. I must have been in Europe during that time because I don't seem to have any information on her. I heard that when Jerzzzey was in Florida he gave her a hug from Thornton, and Jerzzzey made a move on her soon thereafter. Jerzzzey hugging her I can believe, nailing her I don't. $7,000 for a hug and a PM saying thank you... OMG... I think you paid a little too much Thornton. To my understanding Mary_Christine is receiving gifts on a regular basis... or at least each month when she enters the NHL:1 room. Thornton, aren't there any girls in your neck of the woods that you could wine and dine at a lesser cost? I mean it only makes sense to me. You're not getting any pussy from the out-of-the-country girls. You may as well pay less to locals to not get any.

I know of one girl you may be able to score on... well maybe two. Islesrgreat17 and jenn_loves_vanek are relatively easy. They're not too far out from you either. I mean if you're looking for chat girls, that would be my suggestion. I could talk to them for you if you'd like.

Okay, I need to run to the airport, flying into LA this evening to visit family.

I'm sorry to cut this short Thornton, there's so much more to talk about.

to be continued..............

Where do I apply...

One evening I'm sitting in NHL:1 and out of nowhere come insulting comments towards another chatter in the room. This wasn't your typical Ripstic5021 weak slurs, or the zr22K momma jokes of yesteryear. These degrading, derogatory, discourteous, disparaging, disrespectful, hurtful, insolent, and offensive comments were actually funny. In fact, they were more than funny, they were humorous, hilarious, amusing, facetious, waggish, sidesplitting, and uproarious to say the least.

Sonning started out as a 1-person solo act and grew steadily from there. Today... to some of you, it may seem like there are 100+ sonners hitting you 24/7. In actuality there are only a handful of true sonners, with 100+ wannabe's. These ambitious and aspiring young chatters are much adored by the CRU, but really must get their act together before attempting to annihilate the scatterbrains of the room. I have seen true sonners beat down a chatter in 10 minutes or less. Usually the "fakes" are put on ignore within minutes if laughs are not had. True sonners are never ignored. The true sonners have witty ID's. They don't use an ID of a current room member and alter it a tad to throw off the room. They have ID's for each season, each holiday.

I myself would like to become a sonner. They seem to get the most attention, the most respect, and of course the most beautiful men or women... not to mention all the photo's and cam invites of ANYone they want at the snap of a finger. Do remember that I am happily married and would never cheat on my spouse.

I feel that I have some of the qualifications to become one of the elite...

... I live an extravagant life
... I own 3 homes, 2 in the states and 1 in Europe
... I own 4 vehicles, including a limousine, and yes-
... I have a chauffeur

Not to mention that I am comical, with an above average vocabulary, and most importantly... I have a vast amount of information of most chatters of NHL:1.

What could hurt me...

... I don't own a yacht.
... I don't dine out each and every night
... I don't drink $500 bottles of wine with each meal
... I don't have a butler

Do any of you normal chatters have any idea who these sonners are? I have an idea who 2-3 may be but before I post my thoughts, I would like to hear yours.

Sonners of the world, when you read this, let me know what you think of the below. I want to leave with a few "sons" and I would appreciate honesty.

*as a kid mike92chevy would recieve 2 nickels a can of copenhagen and toothbrush under his pillow from the hillbilly toothfairy while sonners as kids were getting Kruggerrands and shares of Kodak stock under theirs =))

*shortybynature is a nature lover despite what nature has done to her =))

*cck2ca looks forward to April Fools Day the only day he's exempt from being sonned the other 364 days of the year he's free game =))

*When Ari_Freaking_Gold asked god for a "massive-cock" god thought he said "case-of caulk" prompting sherry_berry to say come do my bathtub not me =))

Okay, so I may need some work.

I won't give up my day job.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Scorpion Assassin - Jerzzzey

Back on December 11th, 2001 I had the pleasure of meeting Paul under his newly created ID... Scorpion_Assassin_666. We met under the Yahoo Category of Games and I believe it was in the Playstation:1 room. Little had I known, would we later cross paths again in NHL:1, where his topic of choice... yes, is still games. On occasion he'll share his knowledge of baseball... (like the Mets have a chance) or a little football... Go '49ers (good taste in Gore) and on rare occaasion, hockey.

Back in the day Paul was the nerdy kid of the Playstation room, standing tall at 5' 10" and weighing in at 132 lbs. He was nearly 18 trapped in a 13 year old body. I remember the girls always laughing at his picture and the boys beating him down mentally. After he agreed to meet 2 local boys and 1 girl from the room to show his strength, masculinity, and charm... I decided it was time to further introduce myself. "Paul, man... don't do it, you're not ready for this." "Paul, this girl is 13, far too young to know anything about life, don't worry about what she has to say about you." "Paul, these boys may only be 11, but I hear they're pretty tough, give me two months with you."

Then he was gone.

It had been a month since I saw Paul again. "Paul, man... where ya been?" See, Paul didn't take my advice, or ask for my help. These 2 local boys he met not only beat him down in the Playstation room, but also beat him down in the streets of Union City, New Jersey. And the girl he met, well let's just say it wasn't pretty after mom caught him "prodding." "But mom, I was only trying to take her temperature." Paul was given a "time out" for indecent exposure... 30 days to be exact. To this day I try to tell him to stay away from the younger women, they'll get you in trouble every time. Then finally he asks... "Jackal Assassin, I need your help, what am I going to do?" First we worked on his video gaming skills... hour after hour, day after day, practice, practice, practice. "There will be no going out at night, there will be no women, no life basically for 2 months." Needless to say Scorpion Assassin eventually owned that Playstation room. The night he captured the head of Takeda in the Room Championship Showdown, his peers voted him as Most Improved Player and Most Valuable Player of Playstation:1. Oh what a night!

Now it was time to move on, to another weakness of Paul's... his body.

Most of you think Paul got his body from continuously pushing fat chicks off of him. That isn't true and anyway, Paul pushes all chicks off of him. Some of you think it was heredity, but his dad is pretty fragile, and mom... well let's just say, her pectoral muscles are alright. For some of you ladies of the room... Sorry about that, back to Jerzzzey. Paul asked if he could ever have a body like mine. "Honestly Paul, I doubt it... but I can muscle you up enough to where girls will never laugh at you again and the guys will respect you." So we bid farewell to the Playstation Room as our job was done. We hung out in the Health and Wellness (2002) rooms for about a year. I would monitor his workouts via cam and voice conferences. Never any phone calls. We know how much Paul can be trusted when it comes to phone numbers. If you're not sure ask him and/or Thibsgirl. Or ask ZR22K. So, I worked him out 6 times a week, taking Sundays off. He told me on his Sundays off he would visit other rooms and that I should come by. "Let's get our priorities straight here Paul, you take over 1 room at a time." Of course he never left that "other room" as he recently told me he had been lingering in NHL:1 since the Playstation days. After spending 9 months with Paul in getting his body more presentable and having slowly taken over the Health and Wellness room, it was time for the two of us to go our separate ways. To see his new body, visit...

When I stumbled across the NHL:1 (2003) room there was one particular person that stood out. He was confident in both his typing and speaking skills. It took me about 20 minutes to realize it was Paul. I had not recognized his voice. Puberty had hit while I was away, or maybe it was a voice changer. Over and over I made him get on the mic to prove it was him. Then the ultimate piece of proof, he was still talking video games. He spoke then of The Sims, Madden, Phantasy Star, Lord of the Rings, Alter Echo, and Brutal Force to name a few. He was still hitting on younger girls, but at least he was beating down the tough guys of NHL:1 unlike his days of Playstation:1. I heard he likes to give Kingvspades the credit for making him tough, but him and I both know who deserves the credit.

Over the next few years mom has still been updating him with more current systems and games. To this date, game playing is still going strong. People like to mock him for letting mommy do everything for him like shop, laundry, prepare his meals, etc... but that comes from the jealous ones. He's young, only 23... he has two more years of luxury before I start to get on his case. I heard he's pursuing a career in fire fighting... as the theater gig didn't work out. If you need my assistance Paul, let me know... I don't want you failing at this. The last thing I want out of you is a Fire_Rescue_2025 ID. Those ID's are for want-to-be firemen of chat.

Paul, say it isn't so... that the last head I heard you got was Takeda's in that Spawn video game 6 years ago. I can help you here as well. No driver's license yet either... OMG... maybe I should have held onto you for another year? I thought you were ready.

You're not really gay are you... not that there's anything wrong with that? What is it about your obsession with the back door? How did you let Alikat55ca get away? Canadian Rockin Girl? Flygirl_44? Good luck with Kate! I wish you even more luck with Hastings! Maybe Thornton...

As I sit here with my Cuban Cohiba Behike... (yes out of only 4,000 produced last year, I own a box of 40... well 38 now at $440 each) I wonder what if...

... what if Fidel Castro hadn't opened up the harbor of Mariel, Cuba we may never have experienced Paul. Thousands of U.S. boats headed for Cuba to pick up relatives, but unfortunately Castro also forced many boaters to take with them the dregs of his jails. It is estimated that 25,000 of the 125,000 refugees had criminal records. Sorry, this isn't the time or the place. And I'm not saying Jerzzzey's relatives were bad guys. What if JFK and brother Bobby would have bombed Cuba on Day Thirteen? Sorry about that, again. What if no Scorpion_Assassin_666?

Congratulations Paul on owning your 3rd chat room in 6 years!

Up next... I have an idea... you tell me! Maybe a small piece on the sonners before then?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

English Agitator - Oz

In the English-speaking world, the term English Agitator first referred to men who were elected to present complaints of army soldiers, including the New Model Army of Oliver Cromwell during the English Civil War. They were also known as adjutators.

Today, NHL:1 has an English Agitator of its own in lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll. This English Agitator is mostly here to present complaints of Yahoo, Bots, and the CRU. Oz has insisted time and time again that he has been a major player of NHL:1 for years. I personally had not heard much of Oz until this past year. Oz, IF you were present back in the day, my apologies for having never noticed you or "accidentally" placing you on ignore. Today, it is nearly impossible to place anyone on ignore, as ID's change daily for most chatters.

Kudos to Oz for making NHL:1's top 25 male chatters in such a short period of time.

Oz is 1 of 4 chatters in the running for NHL:1 president. Of the 4, Oz has the least amount of experience. Jocko was President of Cannabis Club, for god knows how many years. Paul was president of the Socom Pussy Posse for 2 years until marriages and lives broke that club up. Veronica was president of her 8th grade class, only because she called the INS and had her competitors and families deported back to Mexico.

Oz is currently trailing Jocko in the polls with 1 week of voting to go. I'm going to be campaigning for Oz for the next few days. Granted I'm not as powerful as an Oprah, but I feel I can help sway a few votes his way. This still may not be enough to get Oz over the hump, but will serve as great experience for future elections. I would one day also like to work with Oz in helping him attain a another goal of his. He would like to one day be president of the PTA when his daughter attends school. I know, most of you think this is impossible based on the parental skills he has shown over the past year or so.

Now look what you did, you got me started on another topic.

I find it preposterous that a parent... whether it be Oz or any other in NHL:1 that cannot take proper care of their chilren. Oz is not alone here. Nearly half the women of NHL:1 such as sweetiepierhian, hdunno, complicated_bella, iheartrupert, sherry_berry, skinny_chelle ( just to name a few) probably log more hours of chat looking for a father to their child, than being a mother to them. Let us not forget the dead beat dads of NHL:1 as I don't want the ladies of chat getting all pissy at me. Bradshaw is nothing but a drunk and spends more time with Miller, Bud, and Jack than he does with his daughter. Talker_a_Talker has burned more cell phone minutes in phone sex than anyone I have ever known, but probably only calls his daughter for her birthday and MAYBE an occasional holiday... as long as it's after 7pm and anytime minutes kick in. Sharkfan_n559 spends more time in and out of hospitals and institutions for OSS (Obsessive Sonning Syndrome) than he does with his 2 boys. The last time I spoke with Sharkfan, he couldn't even remember the name of his youngest. But this isn't about them today.

Oz has been known to use Barney and Big Bird as his babysitters on many occasions. Late nights, early mornings, mid-afternoon... doesn't matter, they're always available. Pop a movie into the VCR and off he goes into chat, leaving his daughter with a 1-gallon jug of milk, long straw and a sandwich bag filled with cheerios. One night he was still on mic while talking to someone on the phone and I heard him asking if that before they came over, they could stop and grab some milk, as the jug of which his daughter was drinking from had expired the day before. Truly sad. Oz speaks of a significant other, but one wonders where she is while Oz is throwing grenades, and scoring touchdowns online. I used to think that Oz had her working 3 jobs to make ends meet, but now I'm thinking, she is probably financially secure and chooses to work just to get out of the house.

There's nothing more frusturating to NHL:1 than listening to an infant cry, while dad is dropping F-bombs because someone has hurt his feelings. Poor girl is going to grow up cussing out her Uncle Paul and her Aunt Thornton at family reunions if things don't go her way, just as dad does nightly in chat. I bet she'll have mad sonning skills come her 7th birthday. It'll be great when the next generation of chat appears in NHL:1 and Oz's daughter takes on the children of today's chatters, or grandchildren for some.

Oz, with those millions stashed in Swiss bank accounts, or that $60,000 cash you have in the safe built into the wall behind your Sidney Crosby poster, why don't you hire a nanny? Of course I would prefer YOU spend time with your daughter, but until you want to change, and ask for my help, I don't think that's going to happen. Your girl needs to interact with humans, not cartoon characters. She is going to grow up thinking brontasaurus burgers and scooby snacks are real and is going to demand those in place of cheerios. She'll want Buzz soda in place of milk. She'll want Dora the Explora as her spanish teacher when she attends school. I think you get the point.

Wouldn't it be embarassing to you if your daughter, on her first day of preschool drew a purple dinosaur and placed... <<< daddy... next to it, or a large yellow bird and labeled it... <<< mommy? This will not score you any points if you're serious about one day becoming president of the PTA.

I guess if Jocko is elected President of NHL:1 and the PTA thing doesn't work out, we can get you some experience as President of NHL:3.

I'm here if you need me.

Next up... Jerzzzey!

Friday, September 14, 2007

TRUE IMAGE - Bels_Belfour

Veronica - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Veronica is a Latin female given name thought to derive from "true image".

I ask my fellow chatters and adoring fans, how funny is that?

Allow me to explain why it is so funny to me.

To my understanding, Veronica has been visiting NHL:1 for over 8 years. Up until a couple of months ago, it was brought to my attention that the photos she has been sharing of herself are not really of her. I had never seen a photo (faux or genuine) of her up until then. I knew there was something about her that I did not trust. I would not have believed it was her even if I had been sent a photo. Because of her refusals and constant rejections of cam views directed towards friends in the room... I, as well as others were led to believe she was hiding her "true image". The only individual I'm aware of claiming to have seen Veronica on cam is Johnny_Laserbeam aka Irish, but we all know what he's full of.

As I sit here watching ESPN I'm wondering if her chat loves, previous and current, all share the same photos of her. There were photos pulled from MySpace (both her profile and her sister's) that I have that I would love to compare with those of which FlyerEddie, Ari Freaking Gold, Spliff (just to name a few chat loves) are holding. If any of you have any information, I would much appreciate it if you contacted me so we can arrange for transfer. This would add a little spice to Chapter 2 of my yet un-titled novel.

If one wishes to see the "before and after" pictures of Veronica let me know. BTW... don't bother looking in either of the sites mentioned above, as she has cleaned house. A bit of advice... consult with family and true friends before posting images that are not of yourself but claim they are.

Ok, I'm back. While eating, I started to wonder if Veronica is infatuated with just Canadian men, or is it a long distance thing. I must admit, Canada has produced some of the most beautiful women in the world ... Shania Twain, Sarah Chalke, Pamela Anderson, Sandra Oh... but the canadian men... OMG... no thank you, especially the men of NHL:1. I am posting a link of the most beautiful women of NHL:1. Just a little something I was able to put together over the years. I have changed the names for privacy reasons. To some of you these girls will look familiar. To others, don't bother asking if I can put a name to a face for you. For me to get photos in the future from the new breed of women in NHL:1, they will need to know that I can be trusted. I know I know, you're probably thinking after you view... what an idiot, how shallow... blah blah. I have a site of other NHL:1 beauties... those that have that inner beauty, but how fun would that be. If interested, let me know and I can send it to you. Dak and Booman, I have already sent yours via email.

Vero, Vero, Vero... why, why, why?

Fact! We all lie, but not all the time. Not all lies are harmful. In fact, sometimes lying is the best approach for protecting privacy of ourselves and others. But bald-faced lies (whether they involve leaving out the truth or putting in something false), are harmful, as they corrode trust and intimacy—the glue of society. And I'm not talking just in chat. So why do it? I would say it boils down to the shifting sands of the self and trying to look good both to ourselves and others. It's tied in with self-esteem. Okay, I didn't mean to get too deep into this. Sometimes I just get carried away.

Back to the reason why Veronica seems to attach herself to men from another country. Is it for safety and security reasons? It would be much easier to be stalked if she fell in love with locals therefore increasing the odds of being exposed. Is it their accents? I must admit that the voices of Thisnameownsyou and lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll are a turn on, though their appearances are quite repulsive. Voices of Jay, Flyereddie, Thornton_19_ca etc... have been mocked for years, so I don't think it's the accents doing it for her. Maybe she figures if she marries, it's a free ticket out of Texas? Out of the US of A? Who knows.

Veronica has recently been exposed by a fellow chatter of her "innocence". Of course I cannot reveal from whom, but it comes from a very credible source. Soon Veronica will join the likes of Linda, Tasha, Tina, Stefania, Beth, Paul, Thornton, Pavel, Hotshotchamp, and Ripstic of chatters not giving it up. Before labeling her as a virgin, the room studs and ladies of easy virtue must first vote her in. This list includes Dean, Jocko, Ryan, ZR22k, Heather, Mandi, Julyladybug and Katie.

Veronica, true friends will accept you for who you are. Like Linda, I will be a friend of yours, but you need to change. I can assist if you ask for my help. Psychotherapy, as with most personality disorders, is the treatment of choice. I cannot foot the entire bill, but like an insurance company, I would be willing to cover up to 80% of costs incurred. I know working for U-Haul does not pay well. Smuggling mexicans across the border only puts torillas and frijoles on the table. I admire you for working an hour a day. I know there are no benefits for PT employees. I'll do what I can. You must first admit you need help. You must want this change as much as NHL:1 does. I want to be your Dr. Phil.

To those that read this, I don't want to be placed in a "rescuer" roll in which I have to constantly reassure and rescue each chatter from daily problems.

I know many of you wonder who will be next, and when. Oz has been kind enough to create a program for me that tracks all messages posted to NHL:1. So I do know what is being asked, and by whom. My assistants and I read each and every post. So I know you're curious. So with that said, I feel it's only fair that I leave after each blog with my next patient being known. (*chatter not patient)

Next up... lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll

Thursday, September 13, 2007

FEMA won't touch it ...Forever_Frantic

FEMA (begun by Presidential order March 30th 1979) -is to coordinate the response to a disaster ..

... now of course the disaster I speak of is Forever_Frantic. Frantic could probably rank higher on my list if only her mental status were more clear. One minute she seems fine and at other times she seems as lost as Carlos Delgados offensive production this year. Go Mets!

Anyway, for as long as I've been witnessing her chat life, I've noticed her obsession with a male chatter in Joenaldiinho. If it hasn't been tough enough on Frantic to have been beaten by the ugly stick, Joenaldiinho has beaten her up as well. Joenaldiinho has beaten Frantic to a pulp mentally with his promises and forgetfulness. Frantic honestly believes in Joenaldiinho. Frantic also believes in mind altering drugs or euphoriants .. giving her an exaggerated feeling of well being or elation. I personally do not believe in "pill popping." Frantic needs to consult with Jockoredwing53. His experiences with marijuana and knowledge of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) - a psychoactive substance present in marijuana, or cannabidiol (CBD) could prove to be more beneficial.

You can hear it in Frantic's voice as her peers edge on Joenaldiinho to walk away, to leave her alone. She tries to laugh and joke with them, but that is not laughter, but rather the fighting back of tears we hear. Hotshotchamp has been rumored to be in the running as Frantic's next chat love. Also lately, Twooutrally has been expressing his feelings to fellow chatters about his desire to make Frantic happy again. My money is on Twooutrally.

Frantic, once appointed NHL:1's chat police has recently lost her position. Nothing seems to be going right for her this year. Fortunately we're only in mid-September and with help she can make a speedy recovery. Let us bow our heads and pray.

I think with the help of myself and others we can assist in getting Frantic back on track. I want to be alive on that day she steps outdoors with a smile and yells out "friggin mets eliminated but I don't care, I'm happy, in love, and damn I need some sun."

My Plans ...

I must say that in all my years of travel throughout the net, I have never encountered such a chat room as NHL:1. I've had some spare time over the years and must admit I have visited this "House of Horrors" numerous times. I have visited the MLB rooms - NBA rooms - NFL rooms, and have decided to create a blog based on NHL:1. Having worked hard since I was 9 -landscaping the yards of my neighbors to Financial Advisor --- new AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES --- San Antonio, Texas to Entrepreneur I have afforded myself the luxury of early retirement. Married with 2 teenage children, I find myself at times getting in the way of my family. I have become intrigued with the members of NHL:1 and am looking forward to writing a book on the adventures of chat. So family, if you're reading this, you know where to find me.

When God was handing out brains, common sense, and good looks most of this room never bothered to get in line. There are only a handful of chatters in this room that are in double-digit IQ range and surprisingly so a couple in triple digits. This helps balance out the room. One Superhero Fighting Stupidity is just not enough for a chatroom like this. One by one I would like to post a little something of each NHL:1 chatter. At the same time I will be incorporating these posts into my book. If you feel your privacy is being invaded, please let me know.

At no time will I intentially hurt anyone's feelings, or bruise anyone's ego. You have posted your drama for public view! You have shared secrets with fellow chatters! You have shared your most intimate feelings with people you hardly know! Everything I will be posting will be a quote of yours or a fellow mate. You need not be upset with me, but yourselves. You ask why one would take the time or waste the time? So many of you have laughed at the thought of keeping journals and writing a book. I am only taking advantage of ones brilliant idea.

I have about 95 chatters names on my list. You're probably wondering who will be targeted first. Some are wondering if they're even on the list. I can guarantee that some are hoping they're on the list. My initial thought was alphabetically. Next I was thinking popularity as they are the ones that people would want to read about most. I've decided to drop all names into a hat and drawing 1 by 1 for exposure order. No favortism, and yes I have my favorites - no bribary, just going with the luck of the draw. Knowing that many users create mulitple ID's for various reasons, it has taken me time to decipher who is who. Some of you out there are pretty creative, but I think I have most of it figured out.

First chatter pulled from the hat ...... Forever_Frantic!