Ripoff Report
Don't let them get away with it... let the truth be known!
Brought to you by a more credible source than the 'Ciding Light...
...Reported By: (Vancouver British Columbia)
"Tiger Lotus Media - Justine Gxxx who runs Tiger Lotus Media is lazy, dishonest and steals from people. Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver Internet"
And now the story..."Justine Gxxx of Tiger Lotus Media came to me claiming to be a PR rep and my clothing company, Project Industries ( got suckered into providing clothing samples with the promise of receiving PR services in exchange for her using my company name in her portfolio."
LOL at Justine building her wardrobe off of lies. Anyway, moving on...
"After not hearing from her for weeks at a time to follow up on the "meetings" she was to have with stores and just to get updates in general, I got fed up. I called her other "clients" only to find that the only one who had good things to say about her was a friend of a friend and actually owned all the small companies listed in her portfolio that I was told I'd get a good reference from. I couldn't find any other client who didn't say that she lied to them and that she was simply horrible to deal with. I'm aware that these are calls I should have made prior to engaging her, but I took her at her word because she was seemingly, like me, an entrepreneur starting up a small company. Lesson learned for sure.'
Looks to me like Justine was too busy either in chat or trolling through various dating services posting profiles of herself. LOL at a "friend of a friend" who owns all the small companies listed in her portfolio. LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES... is what clients are saying of Justine. No way! She wouldn't lie... she never lies in chat, Twitter, or dating service profiles. I refuse to believe. LOL!!!
Though there was the time where she said she is married, or remarried... but let's not get into that. Let's get into the rest of the original Ripoff Report story.
"After doing more research, I also found out that she was fired from one of her previous jobs as a cashier at Safeway for stealing from the till."
OMFG... Justine worked with berrybusygirl in Safeway. LOL at being fired for stealing money from the till. BRB... I just pissed my pants.
Okay, I'm back... sorry about that.
I wonder how much money Justine stole? I wonder if it was used to pay child support? Or pay her Internet bills. Or maybe she used the money for down payments on the 3 homes she claims to own. Okay, let the story continue...
"At that point I'd had enough and made every effort to contact her or Michael Roth (her so-called "creative director") to have her return my clothing samples. Michael is nothing but a lap dog and went on and on about how she's having family issues and medical issues. A quick check of her Facebook profile negated all of that as she was obviously spending her time getting ready for a vacation and supposedly working for her other "clients."
Hilarious is all I can say!!! LOL at posted all over Facebook! Justine heading to Japan at her clients' expense. Family issues and medical issues... LMMFAO! Not another divorce in the works? What medical issues? Nothing physical I hope, just mentally fucked in the head is my guess. Justine, why are all the important men in your life named Michael? WTF? Moving on...
"She got in touch once over a month ago to let me know my samples were going to be mailed back to me and that too proved to be a lie."
"Do NOT waste your time on Justine Gxxx and Tiger Lotus Media. She is nothing but a liar and a cheat and those employed by Tiger Lotus Media are unprofessional at best."
Project Industries Clothing Company
Vancouver, British Columbia
Well said, Jamie! Good luck in getting your samples back. I'm thinking, Jamie... that you will probably see Justine wearing your samples on her profile pics or photo albums of various sites throughout the net. Keep me posted.
I'm wondering if Tiger Lotus Media will soon be history, resting alongside Redline Consulting Ltd?
my baby is innocent, see below:
Despite the writhing hate that Mr. Purches has stated in this report. He has been fully paid for the sample materials. They were paid for via interac email transfer prior to the 5th of September 09, which was my 'deadline'.
I am requesting this report be put into archives or what not. Mr. Purches has promised in emails I have saved that all defamatory material about Tiger Lotus Media, myself will be taken down from the internet due to being paid for his samples.
This has not come down. It's a simple request from my end and Mr. Purches has agreed to such things in our previous emails in regarding this matter.
Thank you
Justine Gxxx
we want our money back justine. wire it to us like you did mr. purches l-)
Jah Steen sonned!
=)) L-)
I'm sure glad I didn't give Justine money up front like she had asked. She said it was an investment I would not regret, and that after I proved myself to her, she would have made me co-owner of her company. l-)
i kept trying to tell everyone justine was fake l-). ppl just dont listen. hotshotschamp was right when he exposed her as a loser. dean too.
# RT @TLMgalo: Just got off the phone with my publisher! My idea is 'diamond' !!! As Jean Luc Picard says in STNG "Make it so!" 12:08 PM Dec 3rd from web
TLMgalo = Tiger Lotus Media galo who thinks she has another 'diamond' idea. lol, when is she going to learn that she has nothing l-)
lmao at justine now having a publisher. thanks hots for posting a comment from her twitter account l-)
@jimp19 @hirearc So we all know she's cute N all but what does her hubby think of all these adorations?
i found you jim, call me baby.
Justine (Gina) Galo’s Experience
Parcel Promotions
(Marketing and Advertising industry)
September 2009 — Present (4 months)
NEW Company to be launched in January 2010.
Public Relations Director/ Partner
Business Players Dot Com
(Marketing and Advertising industry)
May 2009 — Present (8 months)
Business - The Executive Playground
Tiger Lotus Media
(Public Relations and Communications industry)
March 2008 — Present (1 year 10 months)
Why do you not list Redline Consulting Ltd., Justine? Is it because the business failed? Bankruptcy maybe?
chica416area: who are you?
chica416area: really
Tammy Tlusty: jason
chica416area: jason? who?
Tammy Tlusty: jasonmack
chica416area: because I haven't been here forever
chica416area: oh hey
chica416area: lol
Tammy Tlusty: hey
chica416area: yeah it's me
chica416area: just shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Tammy Tlusty: who ? lol
chica416area: Justine
Tammy Tlusty: lol
Tammy Tlusty: ok I wasnt sure
Tammy Tlusty: how are ya
chica416area: good and you?
Tammy Tlusty: not bad
chica416area: better now that i am moving back the US
Tammy Tlusty: you abandoned the nucks ?
chica416area: no actually I go in as a leafs fan
Tammy Tlusty: oh wow
chica416area: to confuse ppl
Tammy Tlusty: where are you moving to ?
chica416area: chicago
Tammy Tlusty: ah
Tammy Tlusty: sweet
chica416area: yeah
Tammy Tlusty: perminent move ?
chica416area: got a huge contract there that needs my attention
chica416area: at least for a year
Tammy Tlusty: nice
Tammy Tlusty: chicago is a great town
chica416area: yeah it is
Tammy Tlusty: so much to do
Tammy Tlusty: and to eat
chica416area: Smith and Wollensky's -
chica416area: yeah so do I
chica416area: I miss Vancouver
chica416area: in TO for a few weeks
Tammy Tlusty: i'm sure
Tammy Tlusty: where else can you ski and sun in the same day
chica416area: exactly
Tammy Tlusty: what are you doing in the tdot ?
chica416area: my brother in law was shot in the line of duty
Tammy Tlusty: oh man
chica416area: we're helping his GF and son out
Tammy Tlusty: he ok ?
chica416area: he'll be fine...
Tammy Tlusty: good
chica416area: but he's not mobile for a while
chica416area: yeah
Tammy Tlusty: will he be?
chica416area: eventually yes...but his GF is going crazy
chica416area: so she's not able to think
Tammy Tlusty: damn
Tammy Tlusty: i hate bad news
chica416area: me too
Tammy Tlusty: but hopefully everything works out well
chica416area: his sister was here for a week..and since I work
remotely I decided to come and help
chica416area: thanks
chica416area: he's in narcotics his cover got blown
chica416area: he got shot
Tammy Tlusty: that sucks
Tammy Tlusty: there is a chat blog
chica416area: <--= bradshaw
Tammy Tlusty: lol
chica416area: I heard! Jim told me
Tammy Tlusty: its actually pretty funny
chica416area: he's in Detroit right now
Tammy Tlusty: so bizzar that you can't help but laugh
chica416area: jim and I talk regularly
Tammy Tlusty: jim is ?
chica416area: yes
Tammy Tlusty: cool
Tammy Tlusty: tell him I said sup
chica416area: lol he sent me pics from chelli's
Tammy Tlusty: nice
chica416area: he looked like he was having a lot of fun
Tammy Tlusty: i dont see zr come around any more
chica416area: nope
chica416area: i had to see how much of a wanker Oz was being
because the pens are doing so well
chica416area: i seriously started coming in during the western
chica416area: and at that 2 times a week only i have a busy life
chica416area: you know me and my jovo
Tammy Tlusty: lol
chica416area: actually even though we're still married mike and
I are getting divorced
Tammy Tlusty: oh shitty
chica416area: it's better
chica416area: he's always away on some mission
chica416area: i get worried
Tammy Tlusty: damn didnt you guys just have a baby ?
Tammy Tlusty: not too long ago
chica416area: he's 2 in july
chica416area: we're friends....
chica416area: but we've both moved on
Tammy Tlusty: last I heard from you I think you said you were pregnant
chica416area: yeah
Tammy Tlusty: you guys are seperated ?
chica416area: yes but his family is still my family and vice versa
chica416area: his sister is marrying my best friend
chica416area: lol
Tammy Tlusty: lol
Tammy Tlusty: how long have you been together ?
chica416area: we've been married since 03...but together since...01
Tammy Tlusty: 7 years is pretty long
Tammy Tlusty: are you both gonna share custody of the baby ?
chica416area: he's got a GF and I have a BF
Tammy Tlusty: wow
chica416area: ummm i will have full custody because of the nature of his job
Tammy Tlusty: you both moved on in a hurry
chica416area: he is bounced around all the time
chica416area: he had one before me
chica416area: he met her on the job
Tammy Tlusty: he cheated on you ?
chica416area: it's ok...when I realised I wasn't that jealous...I knew we were drifting
Tammy Tlusty: when you say missions you mean he does missionary work rt ?
chica416area: he works for the International Red Cross
Tammy Tlusty: bleh that sucks because you guys have a baby together
chica416area: he's a good dad
chica416area: to both kids
Tammy Tlusty: oh ya that's right
Tammy Tlusty: i remember talking to him about that
chica416area: he was in Indo and then Sudan
Tammy Tlusty: not exactly disneyland those places
chica416area: and he's here for a while...then he is deployed
at the end of July back to Sudan
Tammy Tlusty: damn
chica416area: yeah
Tammy Tlusty: hope he's safe
chica416area: so do I...but i'm sure he knows how to take care
of himself out there
chica416area: I got seasons to the Hawks
chica416area: my BF lives in Chicago...which helped my decision
to take the contract there
Tammy Tlusty: how did you meet him ? on business ?
chica416area: he came to Vancouver on business when I was just
starting to date Mike...
chica416area: we met then
chica416area: we were friends for a long time
Tammy Tlusty: so that was 7 years ago then ?
Tammy Tlusty: lol
chica416area: just never acte4d about it,...
chica416area: because of mike
Tammy Tlusty: well yeah
Tammy Tlusty: hope not
chica416area: no
chica416area: i dont live life that way. this karma thing
chica416area: lol
chica416area: buff = dean?
Tammy Tlusty: jeremy I think
Tammy Tlusty: not sure
chica416area: lol it doesn't matter
Tammy Tlusty: might be rip to
chica416area: rip you mean Scott Pirie
Tammy Tlusty: yes
Tammy Tlusty: pumkinhead
chica416area: Zumi is engaged
chica416area: he's 20
chica416area: not even legal to drink in TX
Tammy Tlusty: isnt he like 15 ?
Tammy Tlusty: did july follow you to toronto ?
chica416area: dude, she called my work asking for :Regina:
chica416area: my old work
chica416area: weirdo
Tammy Tlusty: she admitted to me she is doing drugs
Tammy Tlusty: speed and coke
chica416area: she looks it
Tammy Tlusty: lol
chica416area: if you see her pictures on Myspace you can see it
Tammy Tlusty: she has a myspace ?
chica416area: yes
Tammy Tlusty: lol
chica416area: she was doing drugs because?
chica416area: she does do what she says she does for work though...
chica416area: her name is sarah small...
chica416area: messed up ppl
Tammy Tlusty: ya really
chica416area: i'm the other half of Van...
chica416area: the healthy half
chica416area: i have kids...
chica416area: it's different if i was single and had no kids and I did it recreationally
chica416area: but i have to set an example
chica416area: and thats not it
Tammy Tlusty: alcohol is enough recreation for me
chica416area: almost as long as 38 being in the league and no championship
Tammy Tlusty: be nice
Tammy Tlusty: lol
chica416area: yeah the seasons in chicago are super cheap
Tammy Tlusty: chicago is going to have a very good team in about five years
chica416area: yeah
chica416area: $2000 for the pair..centre ice....3rd level
chica416area: plus $500 seat reserve on $3000 in total
chica416area: the season
chica416area: I was FLOORE
Tammy Tlusty: wow
chica416area: FLOORED
chica416area: yeah
Tammy Tlusty: thats awsome
chica416area: tell me about it!
chica416area: I thought Travis was shitting me when he told me that
chica416area: but yeah that's it
Tammy Tlusty: I can only imagine what those seats are in toronto or montreal
chica416area: lol
chica416area: hell in vancouver....I have 4
chica416area: you dont want to know
Tammy Tlusty: yeah
chica416area: yeah...i paid 6 times what we pay in chicago
chica416area: but its a business write off
Tammy Tlusty: nice
chica416area: i never take clients
chica416area: unless they're cute
chica416area: lol \
chica416area: just my friends and family
Tammy Tlusty: will you take me
Tammy Tlusty: to leafs-hawks ?
chica416area: sure
chica416area: do they play this year?
Tammy Tlusty: aww
chica416area: i hope so
Tammy Tlusty: yup
Tammy Tlusty: at least once
chica416area: nice
chica416area: that's the way it should be
chica416area: fucking bettman
chica416area: i'm flying home for the leafs van game
chica416area: first class
chica416area: no way i am missing that!
Tammy Tlusty: sweet
chica416area: my BF is a rangers fan
chica416area: he was born in NY
Tammy Tlusty: rags lol
chica416area: aqualini
chica416area: yes
chica416area: he's more into baseball
chica416area: yankees
chica416area: he's got corp seats on top of the vis dugout
Tammy Tlusty: yankees booo
chica416area: but he rubs it in when he can
Tammy Tlusty: lol
chica416area: like we're in St louis last month...he took a trip to see me when i was working...
chica416area: I get in the hotel room and he laided out his Messier jersey on the bed
chica416area: he busts my chops whenever he can
Tammy Tlusty: not the smoothest approach to get in your panties
chica416area: lol
chica416area: lol that's gotta be dean
chica416area: he's totally picking on the Pens fans
Tammy Tlusty: nah
Tammy Tlusty: dean cant spell that well
chica416area: true
Tammy Tlusty: hes a wannabe
chica416area: selke and his 7 series BMW
chica416area: what year....1970
Tammy Tlusty: there was a poll taken for who the blogger is...and you got the second most votes
chica416area: thats funny
chica416area: second most
chica416area: awwwwww
chica416area: i wish I had that much time and less of a life
chica416area: try raising a two year old
chica416area: and overseeing multiple businesses
chica416area: and being a good wife
chica416area: and helping out in the community
Tammy Tlusty: justine you can tell me it was you your secret is safe here
chica416area: lol
chica416area: my daughter has school so she is with my parents
Tammy Tlusty: how old is your daughter now ?
chica416area: which sucks because I like intelligent convo
chica416area: she's 11 and taller than I am
Tammy Tlusty: lol
chica416area: she's 5'4"
Tammy Tlusty: she's getting up there
Tammy Tlusty: damn
chica416area: she's a tall kid
Tammy Tlusty: she in the 8 grade ?
chica416area: 5th
Tammy Tlusty: ok
chica416area: she just turned 11 in april
chica416area: travis and i have a bet...he wants the pens to win..and I said the wings
chica416area: wings can counter everything pitt will throw their way
chica416area: mike wont even watch...
chica416area: he said if my leafs arent there I dont care
Tammy Tlusty: thats how i feel to
chica416area: he saw Corson at Glen Abbey last weeek
Tammy Tlusty: shane corson
Tammy Tlusty: did he visit a halfway house ?
Tammy Tlusty: that's where I expect to find corson
chica416area: or with a teammates' wife or two
Tammy Tlusty:
chica416area: tucker = smartest man in hockey marrying corson's
chica416area: dak go get some new socks to go with your sandals
chica416area: hmm nc still drinking heavily
chica416area: rachel endearing herself to the room
Tammy Tlusty: ok justine heard enough bullshit for one afternoon im off to post this to the blog and then im taking a nap l-)
lmao at the above.......
Tammy Tlusty: ok justine heard enough bullshit for one afternoon im off to post this to the blog and then im taking a nap l-)
damn justine, everyone owns you l-
and i got your new socks, bitch =)) right here *grabs crotch*
Tammy Tlusty: are you both gonna share custody of the baby ?
chica416area: he's got a GF and I have a BF
Tammy Tlusty: wow
chica416area: ummm i will have full custody because of the nature of his job
lol at full custody, how the fuck will that work lotus if youre always away too? so you say, all lies. let me find good parents justine so u and mike and his gf and your bf dont need to be weighed down with "baggage"
I believe in the easter bunny,santa,tooth fairy, and in tlm. Blogger wishes she he had the smarts of reg
All I want for xmas is my sheep and my steelers to make the playoffs.sorry fb cowboys suck!
This blog is cool. Did I say thatttt
Hey its cck please close this blog. You aren't funny enough of you back to nhl1. By the way just got a tweet zr eclipsed a personal best in warcraft congrats zr.
Am I the only one who realizes there is a hockey season going on? I'm off to chat rehab to learn how to live without nhl1. I hope to be back for the playoffs! Stop the drama! Come back soon! I don't want to spend time with my family! Cutie sonned by an empty room again and again. Hmmm, I wonder if there are ppl in MLB1. lmao!
Nhl 1 must be going crazy like usual. Coyotes are staying put to the demise of yahoo chatters. FLYEREDDIE empathetically said yotes would move. Perhaps he should stick to something he knows and that is being a janitor.
Hey everyone its hotshots just dropping by to say go VIkings and that I am working extra hours to get more money. You all need to get a job and a real nhl team flyers miss upshall aha flinflonn you said flyers wouldn't need him flyers suck.go wild!
anyone intrested in my new mlb fantsy league i have room for 3 gms. only serious mgrs need apply. please send all applications to cck2ca @ or my new ID within 2 business days.
BTW i was voted commish of the year. I know my shit. Right edbel?
yeah chris you are da best! rofl at your new ID. i made one too.
yours truly,
rumers r sirculating round the wonderful world of chat that bill has moved back to pencilvania and is now living with his mum. evidently brittany broked his heart and he dint want to llve alone anymore
i'll be taking good care of brittany for him. hahahahaahaha
My honey my baby my lover Bill moved from North Carolina to have sex with me 24/7. Britney couldn't satisfy his primal urges like grunting and howling during climacks.
Coming from a guy that talks about smoking pot's a stretch.
i push hard to get a guy from the talk city chat to join and that punch me right in the face; mitch faller had a team name the Louisiana Ice Gators and want his team name change in a middle of a season and i refused
i move the site from rotowire cause it became a pay site to a free yahoo site; rick huff explain me how to operate it i had none experience of doing this kind of site and my english was even badder than today; so that Faller's guy help me with the standing and the roster page he then make a standing using halloween color; having my password.. he try to take control of the league and was insulting me when he discovered i did some mistake while making the standing forgotting to centralise number in his standing; so during the night when he was offline i change the password of the site, and the day after he tried to get into the league site but realize that i changed the password he start to apologise and telling me that he was sorry..i had a brain cramp and i decide to give him another chance and give him the new password; my bad the first thing he did is erasing entirely the index so the league had main page for few days...he then ask me to apologise in a email to all gm that i threat him bad so i did it he then send me back the index and the very next day when he was again offline i re change the password the next morning i said to him youre fired ...
i was trusting him cause he was a great hockey knowledge and we had a lot of fun participating hockey quiz in the tchat room along with new-york,rimouski and reading who are still in the league; but he was a bi polar and when he got drunk he was the worst mother fucker i ever knew
i move back to my hometown and left montreal so i ask my chilhood friend dan who name is team the richmond frogs to take control of baltimore and hewon the championship in the 2nd year of the league beating kannapolis in a close 7 games series beating kannapolis the last game in 6th overtime
mitch remake a presence in the QHL he copied the adress of a gm i had (david fordbe) and use his identity i never saw it coming so i taught it was david himself, he name his team red army,he was a great gm but like a serial killer he could not be quiet for long. he flip out again me and rick taught it was mitch again and i kick him out for good of the league, i then decide to not search hockey gm threw hockey chat room anymore,and be more patient when i look for replacing a inactive gm and that give us a peaceful league except for few exemption since then
serious fantasy puck!
2002 was a bad year for five. he got fired from moms floral shop and fired from fantasy puck.
@ JulyLadybug16
Business Players was a business concept that I came up with several years ago as you can see by checking the domain name registry. I won't get into any specifics but Gina showed interest in helping me move it forward and doing a project. Apparently she contacted numerous business professionals and demonstrated optimistic enthusiasm until mysteriously breaking contact with me on August 10, 2010.
I finally got in contact with her after 9 months of trying and found out she had incorporated Business Players in Calgary without notifying me. I asked for explanations but all she would give me were simplistic excuses while saying she was too busy with other stuff to deal with me.
I asked her several times to remove my personal and business name from her website ( however it has now been over a month and a half and she has not complied. As you can probably guess, the event announced in the 'Press' section of the website did not occur (to the best of my knowledge). Also, I do not and have never worked "Client Relations" for Tiger Lotus Media.
I am currently enrolled in a Marketing program and want to be clear that I do not endorse any of Gina's actions. Our association is limited to the extent that I want answers and closure on her use of my business concept. Also, I will never do business with her again.
Mike Taylor
I apologize, I made a typo. I meant 2009.
hi i like tacos
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Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.
Where have all the sonners gone? I'm all alone in a world without chat skanks!
Yo anyone still here?
Hi cutie pie ;)
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