Monday, June 23, 2008

Fantasy Life...

"Dad, what is a Sonner, and why must you yell and scream at him each night... asks the eldest of three uneducated, home schooled children?" "And who is this Verian person whose name you scream out in your sleep?"

"When is mommy coming home, daddy... you said tomorrow... is it tomorrow yet, huh, huh, huh... asks the youngest?" "And will it be our first mommy, I likeded her bestest?"

"Ugh, Sir... ugh, Colonel Cuda, ugh, Private Pyle... ugh Dad... not Alpaca patties for breakfast again, eh... asks the third child?"

"I'll be in the bedroom, kids...tell me when the mailman gets here, I have a package for him." ;)

It probably started when Ross was young. Okay... honestly... I am not sure when it started, but for as long as I can remember, Ross has been living in a fantasy world. I heard he stares out into space from his bedroom window and creates a fantasy life... full of people that are real to him, once his kids have been given their orders.

I'm thinking Ross has been living in a fantasy land for most of his life, and doesn't know how to get out of it.

As Ross gets older... his fantasies develop... with histories and well developed stories... like how he can be a great husband, and how he will be a respected father, and of course... how one day he will be the Alpaca breeding guru of Canada.

Ross does this for hours each day... fantasizes... or at least whenever he has the chance. It is an escape that seemed rather harmless to him... at the time.

The problem is... Ross is not growing out of it. Instead, things are getting worse... and now he creates characters like... chat room lover... chat room war hero... chat room fantasy hockey General Manager. Well... at least one of his fantasies have come true. ;)

Now at 37... Ross has no friends, except for a few email friends. He speaks of 'family' that he does not spend much time with either. Could it be because he spends too much time in chat? Ross is so far into his own world that he never developed any empathy or connections with anyone real... claiming he just does not know how to talk or feel anything for them.

The only love and emotions he feels are for the people in his fantasy life... like Oz, who is his 'boss' and commissioner of his fantasy hockey league, or Nashvillepredsfan... the online love of his life. Ross will never admit to liking the Sonners, but deep down... I think we all know the truth.

Ross has no concept of fun, small talk, intelligent conversations, real life romance, or any emotions. He lives life largely alone. Some chatters smile and laugh on occasion and others think he is nice….but most think he is boring as fuck when you get to know him. He just has nothing to say... and soon the distance becomes obvious between him and most chatters of NHL:1.

He probably considers himself so old that he has no idea how to start learning basic communication skills to live in the real world, or even if that’s possible after living a fantasy life for so long. Ross sees things in such a simple... cold... direct way. He finds the shortest path to every place he goes. He dreams of love but has never felt it, not even for family or friends.

Rumour has it now, that his wife just left him again because she wants romance. Ross claims he does too... but it’s so far just a dream.

If with nothing else to do, Ross should be looking for a diagnosis. It would at least give him some peace of mind to know this is not his fault. How can a mistake he made when he was a child... dreaming too much... have made his life this way?

Ross technically is unemployed with no insurance and little funds, so he can't afford a therapist.

Is there anyone reading this that could possibly help Ross out, who has experienced the life in fantasy... and found his or her way out?


Who am I kidding?

If you are reading this, you are probably in a fantasy world of your own too.

Wow... 39,683 hits... and counting... not bad for 9 months.

Who will be number 40,000?

How is '' site going for you Oz?

Last post I saw, Oz, there were three comments... all mine... LOL!!!

I've been away for a few days, is there anything exciting out there that I should be made aware of?


Anonymous said...

Wow!! A second blog about me!! Nice to see that even though Im rarely in the room I can still annoy the fuck out of you ass munches with straight talking common sense. The jealousy knows no bounds does it?

Anonymous said...

Interesting approach. I have to admit, you almost managed to get to me with that one (for once). Considering Cuda hasn’t been around much lately, I would say that was somewhat out of the blue. But given our recent exchange of posts (in which you didn’t get too far), I guess you’re trying another way to get under my skin.

Why don’t you just admit you have a crush on me. Seriously – me, no 1 cyber? Then there are the constant insults to Todd (my sworn enemy), and repeated hints toward Cuda and I… one could almost think you actually like me (*kiss*). PM me sometime. Who knows – I might actually like you.

LMAO @ me being the Internet love of Cuda’s life, btw. Actually, it’s more the other way around. The man is just nice enough to play along.

But despite the fact that he’s been more absent than present lately, it’s good to see that he can still ruffle your feathers just fine whenever he does show up. Gotta love the man for that.

Anonymous said...

silence dana l-)

Anonymous said...

so you admit it....hmmm