Thursday, September 13, 2007

FEMA won't touch it ...Forever_Frantic

FEMA (begun by Presidential order March 30th 1979) -is to coordinate the response to a disaster ..

... now of course the disaster I speak of is Forever_Frantic. Frantic could probably rank higher on my list if only her mental status were more clear. One minute she seems fine and at other times she seems as lost as Carlos Delgados offensive production this year. Go Mets!

Anyway, for as long as I've been witnessing her chat life, I've noticed her obsession with a male chatter in Joenaldiinho. If it hasn't been tough enough on Frantic to have been beaten by the ugly stick, Joenaldiinho has beaten her up as well. Joenaldiinho has beaten Frantic to a pulp mentally with his promises and forgetfulness. Frantic honestly believes in Joenaldiinho. Frantic also believes in mind altering drugs or euphoriants .. giving her an exaggerated feeling of well being or elation. I personally do not believe in "pill popping." Frantic needs to consult with Jockoredwing53. His experiences with marijuana and knowledge of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) - a psychoactive substance present in marijuana, or cannabidiol (CBD) could prove to be more beneficial.

You can hear it in Frantic's voice as her peers edge on Joenaldiinho to walk away, to leave her alone. She tries to laugh and joke with them, but that is not laughter, but rather the fighting back of tears we hear. Hotshotchamp has been rumored to be in the running as Frantic's next chat love. Also lately, Twooutrally has been expressing his feelings to fellow chatters about his desire to make Frantic happy again. My money is on Twooutrally.

Frantic, once appointed NHL:1's chat police has recently lost her position. Nothing seems to be going right for her this year. Fortunately we're only in mid-September and with help she can make a speedy recovery. Let us bow our heads and pray.

I think with the help of myself and others we can assist in getting Frantic back on track. I want to be alive on that day she steps outdoors with a smile and yells out "friggin mets eliminated but I don't care, I'm happy, in love, and damn I need some sun."


Jerzzzey said...

Good post! Yeah! =))

I also worry about Linda's erratic behavior recently. I understand being rejected by Joe who from what i have heard is a "L-)" is a large blow to her already shattered ego. Nonetheless Linda needs to look at the the glass half full, she's a smart girl, emphasis on "girl". Plenty of males on the internet who would love to talk to a "girl" any girl! Charming gentlemen like Cheese Bossman, how about a home owner with his priorities straight like Bradshaw? Many options available for a lady like Linda, on par or even surpassing Joe. I wish Linda the best & hope she finds happiness & enlightenment.

Peace, Love & Harmony.
Jerz :)

Anonymous said...

Its true that Linda has been acting a bit odd as of recent. Wacko music, and strange guttural sounds that pass as laughter. I've often wondered what attracts her to this joenaldhino fella. I hope its not his seemingly endless supply of nose candy. There are soo many eligible bachelors who frequent the room who would cut off their left nut just to talk to an actual woman, let alone actually date one. Studs such as thornton, bradshaw, dean and hollywood dont come around all that often. The charm school closed its doors for good when these romeo's graduated. I hope she somehow siezes on the opportunity presented to her by this wonderful chatroom and pulls herself together. All these wonderful, 20-something, unemployed men living in relatives basements with their 6 cats and star trek collections NEED women too damnit!! There has to be a match for her. I pray to the Israelites she finds it in time.

Anonymous said...

you are a joke oh the drama, a big sad pathetic lil joke! write in your blog "I think with the help of myself and others we can assist in getting Frantic back on track." you cant help her dipshit not after writing that bullshit about her! some friend you are drama, sort your own sad pathetic lil self out before you pass judgement on are incapable of helping anybody and you are incapable of being considered a true are a poisonous little hag who thrives on the misery of others....go hang your own head down in shame u sad inconsiderate little dwarf!

Anonymous said...

I thought hotshotschamp only dated guys ?