Friday, October 3, 2008

Jenna Fischer > Bobby Fischer > fischer.brittany

Is it true, Brittany, that cheating is rarely about pure sexual attraction?

I'm thinking that infidelity is almost always about more than just sex. Cheating is rarely about pure sexual attraction, right Brittany? Do the chatters of NHL:1 and MLB:1 fulfill your emotional needs. Brittany?


Perhaps, Brittany, the reason behind your infidelity is the need for appreciation?

People like you, Brittany who feel unloved or unappreciated by their 'live' partner may begin looking outside their relationship for sources of comfort and affirmation. Are you not loved enough by your boyfriend? Does he not tell you he appreciates you?

LOL at you Brittany... rationalizing your infidelity by stating the if your boyfriend had paid more attention to you, you wouldn't have to cheat on him.

Since your boyfriend couldn't give you the love you felt you deserved, you figured you could find what you needed in chat, right Brittany?

Well, you dumb fuck... if you weren't feeling loved or appreciated in your relationship, you should have shown some responsibility and talked to your significant other about what you want or need from him. My guess is that he's much happier banging his neighbor than you... but we don't really know that for sure, do we?

Do you feel unloved, Brittany, because your boyfriend is spending too much time at work and not in a chat room? Are you jealous of your boyfriend's relationship with his female friends? Are they prettier than you? By addressing your true issues and being upfront about personal and sexual needs, the two of you may be able to work things out and keep cheating out of the picture, or shall I say MORE cheating out of the picture?

Do you have suspicions of him cheating, Brittany? Are you cheating on him out of revenge? Are you trying to get back at him for something that has happened in the past?

Remember how Gandhi once put it, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

If you have secret anger or bitterness, Brittany, towards your partner, quit hiding it! Make him aware of your feelings and decide if you're able to forgive and forget. If you can't, it's better to get out of the relationship rather than stay and cheat on him even more. It isn't fair to Bill either that he has to wonder who or what you're doing when you're not with him.

Also, Brittany, one often surprising reason behind infidelity is self-destruction.

Brittany, are you one of those that have such low self-esteem that when something good happens to you (such as meeting and dating a great man), that you think he doesn't deserve that gift in you?


If this is true, Brittany, then people like you go out of your way to self-destruct your relationships.

Do you believe in "better to break their heart before they can break mine?" If so, you are truly a bigger loser than I ever imagined.

Self-esteem and trust issues as extreme as yours, Brittany, may require outside support in the form of couples or individual counseling, not the help of NHL:1 or MLB:1 chatters who tell you they love you after a 5 minute conversation. You think that the likes of Bill or others mean it when they offer their praise, love and affection for you?


Chat hos like you are a dime-a-dozen, Brittany. If you're stupid enough to believe that you're the one.. then who am I to rain on your parade. All I can say is... good luck with that, and that you are merely the flavor of the month!

Before it is too late, Brittany, and ff you want to protect your real relationship from infidelity, you must first protect your relationship from the silent killers in jealousy, bitterness, low self-esteem, and mistrust. WTF am I talking about, it is too late... duh!

The only way was through honest communication. You should have revealed your true emotions and needs to your boyfriend and encouraged him to do the same.

LOL!!! at through honest communication. You're fucked. both of you... your boyfriend is currently balls deep in a real woman.

Okay... I have a Q...

...and it might seem silly, but think about it.

Human beings are downright obsessed with sex, right? l know Jim (zr22k) fantasize about it, I know Bill (wildbp)_ buys medications for it, I also know that Bill (wildbp) builds relationships around it, and I also know all you bitches read blogs about it! But why?

Why are people so fixated with such a simple bodily function?

I'm sorry, that was more than one question, wasn't it?


After speaking to a few chatters about it, here are some of the answers they gave-

- it feels good and it is fun ... harlemz_nocturne
- I felt sorry for the person ... nashvillepredsfan
- It was for a bet ... sharks1419
- I wanted to feel closer to God ... citygirl0117
- To get a job ... anonymous (no one from NHL:1)
- I wanted to give someone else a sexually transmitted disease ... fischer.brittany
- For money ... fischer.brittany
- I wanted to get rid of my headache ... foxy_the_first
- I wanted to change the topic of conversation ... sherry_berry27

I'm curious to see what Jim's (zr22k) answer would be. I have never once heard Jim speak of sex. I have never once heard him speak of girls other than Dana, Sarah, or Justine... and chat girls don't count. When was the last time Jim spoke of banging some chick off the net?


Mid 40's... never been laid, lives at home with mom in a 1-bedroom apartment. Rice-a-Roni 6 times a week, and has a pet rabbit named Robby... which reminds me of a joke-

-Q. Why did Jim's rabbit cross the road?
-A. To get to the other side.
-Q. Why did Jim cross the road?
-A. Because his cock was stuck in the rabbit.

Or was it a joke? LOL!!!

Tell us again Jim how you stayed away from chat for months because you couldn't handle the likes and pressure of Dean and Ripstic.


LOL at you lurking in NHL:1 all those months and trying to 'son'.

Why do you use a voice changer while in chat, Jim... are you afraid thornton and not2nice will step all over you with their deep voices... compared to your real voice?

Kingvspades wanted me to ask you if you still wear lady stockings over your head while on cam for Dana, Jim? What the fuck was/is that all about?


So JIm... tell me, why do you have sex?

Please, no momma jokes.



Anonymous said...


maybe it's just me, but are the ids that the blogger posted about why they haqve sex, the names of some of the chicks that Bill has dated online in the last 2 months?

someone seriously needs to get a life and date out of chat. =))=))=))

Peace, Love & Harmony

Anonymous said...

i c this relationship between bill and brittany working if bill discovers the fountains of youth and sobriety and brittanys youth discovers the fountains of loyalty and good looks.

Anonymous said...

Brittany;s says hungover what a fuckingg loser
whatt an atention whore

Brittany's stupid ugly ass is in here as always in chat

Anonymous said...

the person who talks about zr having sex has had online sex with mandy, tasha, chelle, and bugs lotus blossum about cybering, and also wants to see brittanys cam all the time. he has never met any of those girls face to face...he lives in a trailer with 10 other hispanic relatives and picks tomatoes and peppers for a living...what a joke

Anonymous said...

yoyoyoyoyo if you talk crap about me blogger, I'll tell king and he'll get jerzzey and they'll yell at you in chat yo ! Gotta go now, mum wants the trash taken out faaaaaaaahk !

Anonymous said...

looks like we have lurkers posting comments =))

why do lurkers from NY, Texas, or Vancouver post on behalf of people like zr22k and thornton?

we all know jim wouldnt have the balls to comment on the blog.

my guess is it's brittany posting anonymously l-)

as far as i can tell, zr hears of the blog, but doesnt read it =))

probably gets his girl from vancouver to read it to him l-)

britt exposed as reading the blog numerous times during the day =))

Anonymous said...

To be able to write in such detail about a certain chatter, one would have to spend a great amount of time in the NHL 1 chat room.

I guess Tasha is the perfect candidate for the blogger. After all, she pays Yahoo rent to have a permanent spot on the chat list.

Anonymous said...

LOL at having to spend day after day in a chat room to write in detail about Brittany's infidelity. Amyone spending 5 minutes in chat with her could have written that post.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Tasha. Ryan told me that bill is the blogger.

Anonymous said...

is bill a sonner or the blogger ? or both ?

seriously i want to know.

Anonymous said...

The blogger is not2nice_31, book it. Bill is far too busy researching the mating habits of the duck-billed platypus to find the time to son and blog. I hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

Well I just saw,
Dana's pussy today,
It seems my life,
Is in for a change...

With her legs wide open,
And me under my blanket,
Dana was rubbing her clit,
And I needed to spank it...

I closed my eyes,
And began to quiver,
Then drips of cum,
Turned to a river...

A great 60 seconds,
I must say,
My first piece of ass
That required no pay...

Now that my balls,
Are no longer blue,
Thank you so much Dana,
And P.S. I love you!

Anonymous said...

The blogger is not2nice_31, book it. Bill is far too busy researching the mating habits of the duck-billed platypus to find the time to son and blog. I hope this helps.

LOL at Not2nice_31 being the blogger.

LOLOL - the only mating resarch going on in Bill's life is that of chat hos.

Bill doesn't have time to write the blog, but has the time to comment on it at approximately 7:30 EST each day before he leaves for work.

Paulie B. is the blogger. When will you all realize it? I've been trying to tell you idiots that for months. l=)

Anonymous said...

Get a life!

Anonymous said...

Bobby Fischer, may he R.I.P., was the greatest chess master I ever spermed next to my baby kp2osle.