Sunday, October 14, 2007

Who is afraid of what...

A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder. It is a strong, irrational fear of something that poses little or no actual danger!

I have noticed over the years certain phobias of NHL:1 chatters. Some of you reading this may not be mentioned, and I'm sorry, but that may be a good thing. For others, you will probably notice yourself listed numerous times, and no, I'm not sorry.

acrophobia ~ Fear of heights... Dean (Briereyote) at 4'9" what more needs to be said?

agateophobia ~ Fear of insanity... Kate (Beautyoflife143) though I think she's losing the battle!

agoraphobia ~ Fear of open spaces... Linda (Forever_Frantic) hence, the reason she's always indoors and never out!

Ailurophobia ~ Fear of cats... Michael (Thornton_ca_19) or is it that he's afraid of pussy, I can't remember? Or both?

anglophobia ~ Fear of England or the English culture... Jimmy (Alexovechkin8_2009) after the break-up with Kate, how can you blame him! He's also fearing Oz these days!

anuptaphobia ~ Fear of staying single... Bill (Land_of_the_Shire) since September 24th, 1999 he has always had a chat girl, with Tina in the background as back-up!

arachibutyrophobia ~ Fear of peanut butter sticking to roof of mouth..Tracy (Northerncutie08) or is it semen that she's afraid of sticking to the roof of her mouth, I can't remember?

automysophobia ~ Fear of being dirty... Tina (Citygirl0117) or is she just waiting for that ring to placed on that finger? Wait, I don't think they mean that kind of dirty!

bathophobia ~ Fear of falling from a high place... Joe (Outovcontroll) define "high place" because if it's drug related, he's the man!

belonephobia ~ Fear of pins and needles... Chris (Cck2ca) at $79.99, the replacement of inflatable girlfriends can kill a budget!

cacophobia ~ Fear of ugliness... Paul (Jerzzzey) that's why you only see him with the most beautiful of chat women and friends with all the Sonners!

caligynephobia ~ Fear of beautiful women... Jim (Zr22k) who is always spotted talking to the ugliest of girls, like Dana... enough said!

carnophobia ~ Fear of meat... Beth (Heartofdixiebrat) and reason why she is still a virgin in her mid-30's!

cathisophobia ~ Fear of sitting... Katie (Canucks_girl44) explains why she's always on her back!

catoptrophobia ~ Fear of mirrors... Rachel (Hastings) have you ever seen that face?OMG!

chrematophobia ~ Fear of money... Craig (Spliff81) the real reason he doesn't have a job!

chronomentrophobia ~ Fear of clocks... Oz (lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll) because he never wants to see that it is time to leave chat!

clinophobia ~ Fear of going to bed... Oz (lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll) he just might miss out on something being said about him in chat!

coprastasophobia ~ Fear of constipation... Chris (Hotshotschamp) the reason he eats nachos 4 times a day!

cyberphobia ~ Fear of computers or working on a computer... LOL!!! at this one.

cyclophobia ~ Fear of bicycles... Jon (Talker_a_Talker) especially of the motorized type, after he nearly lost his life crashing on one!

decidophobia ~ Fear of making decisions... Michael (Thornton_ca_19) thank god for Paul steering him in the right direction!

defecaloesiophobia ~ Fear of painful bowel movements... Chris (Hotshotschamp)

dentophobia ~ Fear of dentists... (Death2theleafs aka Cyberman) who was down to his last tooth at last view!

dishabiliophobia ~ Fear of undressing in front of someone... (good looking chat cam girls) too bad this wasn't true of the uglier ones!

domatophobia ~ Fear of houses or being in a house... Steve (the_evil_empire) is why he chose to live out of his car for months!

ergophobia ~ Fear of work... Todd (Ari_Freaking_Gold) don't even get me started on this phobia!

eurotophobia ~ Fear of female genitalia... Lou (Nhlphi) have you ever heard him speak of any girl in his life?

genophobia ~ Fear of sex... Jimmy (Alexovechkin8_2009) 34 1/2 years of age, and climbing!

heliophobia ~ Fear of the sun... Linda (Forever_Frantic) owns an indoor tanning booth to keep her colour!

hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia ~ Fear of long words... interesting, at first I thought it was going to say fear of Trish (Costergirl10)!

ithyphallophobia ~ Fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis... =)) no comment!

japanophobia ~ Fear of Japanese... Ryan (Antiwhy) race_cyst!

judeophobia ~ Fear of Jews... Ryan (Antiwhy) race_cyst!

kenophobia ~ Fear of empty spaces... Mandi (Shortybynature_mandi) reason she always has a cock in her!

medomalacuphobia ~ Fear of losing an erection... Scott (Ripstic1616) after 6 hours to get it up, one hates to lose it before using it!

megalophobia ~ Fear of large things... Tasha (Not2visible_31) aren't most virgins?

microphobia ~ Fear of small things... Sherry (Sherry_Berry27) the reason she breaks up with all of her chat men after getting to really know them!

negrophobia ~ Fear of blacks... Ryan (Antiwhy) race cyst!

ochlophobia ~ Fear of crowds... Eddie (Flyereddie48) the reason he lives in Flin Flon! Population 137!

oenophobia ~ Fear or hatred of wine... (Bradshaw) but he loves that cheap beer!

optophobia ~ Fear of opening one’s eyes... (Coyote_Ugly) or whatever his name is! If I looked like that, I wouldn't open my eyes either!

phagophobia ~ Fear of eating... Michelle (Skinny_Chelle) last weigh in was at 82 lbs!

pogonophobia ~ Fear of beards... Stefania (Boo_Denali) which explains her numerous visits to the salon for waxing!

scopophobia ~ Fear of being seen or stared at... Veronica (Bels_Belfour) the real reason
she felt it necessary to post fake pictures!

selachophobia ~ Fear of sharks... (all other NHL teams)... book it! All Chat Scrap fear Shark as well! =))

sophophobia ~ Fear of learning... Darren (Fire_rescue1985) he only knows 13 letters of the alphabet!

uranophobia ~ Fear of heaven... Jack (Jockoredwing53) at 110 and the oldest chatter in history! Jocko is going to live forever!

Did I miss anyone?


Jerzzzey said...

LOL! I'm working on my fear, hell i even tried talking to costergirl10! I will admit, she scared me to death & i went back to pming my team of beautiful chat girls.

OZ SANTWYK said...

Agraphobia- Fear of sexual abuse (Jimmy, must be some reason for all the hate)

Albuminurophobia- Fear of kidney disease (Jay, alcoholic enough said)

Allodoxaphobia- Fear of opinions (Paul, as he doesn't like anyones other than his own)

Angrophobia - Fear of anger or of becoming angry.(Me, I have anger issues)

Coitophobia- Fear of coitus.(Jimmy yet again, need I say more)

Gynophobia- Fear of women (Jimmy, why do you think he hates them?)

Isolophobia- Fear of solitude, being alone (Tasha, hence her having a online boyfriend she's never even seen a picture of)

Social Phobia- Fear of being evaluated negatively in social situations (Paul, that's why he always looks to his buddies to back him up)

Tropophobia- Fear of moving(90% of chicks that come into chat, why else would they be so fat?)

... Oh the Drama said...



I forgot all about Jay!

Man, Jimmy is in bad shape!

Anonymous said...


you contribute more to this blog than you ever have to any conversation concerning puck. your hockey blog sucks by the way. stick to more exhilarating sports that you know something cricket and badminton.

Anonymous said...

It is easy to laugh at other people, it is easy to ridicule them, belittle them but until you have experienced what these people have experienced, until you have lived their life you will never know what it feels like to live through their pain, to live through their anguish, to live through their will never truly know until you experience the hurt and anguish for yourself. So please continue to ridicule and belittle others, if this is what makes you happy, if this is your idea of "fun" by all means keep it up.

Anonymous said...

STFU you fuckin faggit ^

get a job, make some friends off line, find a new hobby you sorry sack of shit. nobody wants to hear your pathetic sob stories. L-)oser!

Anonymous said...

is there a fear of stanley cups? there are quite a few teams out there that suffer from this disease, fact!

Anonymous said...

why do i think i am so good looking when i look like a man? i mean come on i'm 6 feet tall and have this huge chin and i try and act so cool in the room when really i have some serious issues.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

STFU you fuckin faggit ^

get a job, make some friends off line, find a new hobby you sorry sack of shit. nobody wants to hear your pathetic sob stories. L-)oser!

if that is your answer to most of what life has to offer you then i feel sorry for you, you are obviously a very sad disrespectful person.