Have you ever wanted to intimidate your enemy chatters with ridiculous words that may or may not be true? Ever wanted to talk about their mothers while playing a friendly game of Halo, or while sitting in a chat room with nothing better to do in life? If so, this post could be for you.
First, you losers, who try so hard... (cck2ca. edbeldrunk, flyereddie48, etc)... you must identify the situation. If you are only joking around with your fellow chatters in NHL:1, then meaningless jests about each other's mothers or of fantasy rosters is usually the most effective way to go... that is if your name is zr22k or kingovspades.
Continue to talk about your unending skill in whatever activity you are currently enga0ged in. Even if these statements are not true, use them! False 'Sonning' is equally effective as true 'Sonning' (although sometimes you will have to back it up)... that is if your name is wildbp or talker_a_talker.
Repeat the above as necessary. If you feel that your 'Sonning' is ineffective, it's probably a good idea to stop, right cck2ca? Many chatters have built an immunity to trash talking and therefore it doesn't affect them at all, right hotshotschamp? If you run across this kind of person, your best call is to just shut your mouth and own them at whatever you are doing, like fantasy sporting events. If this happens, it is much easier to trash talk that person next time you challenge them at this particular event, that is if you're allowed to participate again.
In the event that you're getting your arse sonned, remove yourself from the situation as soon as possible, right chat 'scrap such as edbel, cck2ca, and too many others to list? If many people see / read your 'sons' and then see you get 'sonned', no one will respect you. Also, your opponent could make you look like a bigger faggit than you already are. If you feel you are losing... abort!!!. Continuing will only make your downfall even worse.
Try some of these tips to bolster your skills, cck2ca -
- Be extremely loud by typing in all capitals. This triggers a pain receptor in the brain and therefor you could actually force your opponent to feel pain just by "yelling' at them, right bradshaw?
- Talking about things your opponent can't control is a great strategy, like "look at how much fun we're having in our fantasy leagues without the likes of you"...
- Using big words, that have a good meaning behind them, also work. Your opponent will not know what the words mean, therefore they become speech less.. right wildbp, mounta_oo or paulie B.?