Thursday, November 8, 2007

Whiskey and Fishing...

One Saturday morning, Bill decided to go fishing.

He sat there for hours, but nothing. The bottle of whiskey that he had taken with him was now empty. He threw the empty bottle against a rock, shattering it into many pieces and thought of heading to another location.

All of a sudden there was a nibble, possibly his first catch of the day. Bill reeled the fish out of the water and laughed while saying, "no baked trout with lemon AND no whiskey for me... oh what a morning." See, the fish was so small that Bill had to throw it back.

This little fish was so excited that it started doing back flips out of the water. The fish disappeared for a moment, then popped its head out of the water and decided to grant Bill one wish for letting him go. "Make it a good one" says the little fish, "this is probably a once in a lifetime offer."

Bill... figuring he has everything in life that he could imagine, kept it simple... he asked the little guy for some more whiskey. The little fish said, "okay, from here on out, when you're urinating, it will be pure whiskey."

So Bill sat there and wondered, can this really be true or am I just hallucinating? After five minutes of staring at the broken whiskey bottle, Bill took a cup out of his backpack and urinated in it.

It was pure whiskey.

A bit later a woman who was watching Bill from behind a tree, comes up to him and asks, "are you alright, I saw you pissing in a cup and drinking it?" "I have some water for you if you're that thirsty." "It's not my urine, it is whiskey." "See, this fish granted me one wish, and ... well never mind, try it for yourself."

The woman laughed as Bill turned his back towards her and urinated into another cup. After a few minutes of pleading, he was able to convince the lady to take a sip. "Oh my God, this is unreal, either you have had far too much to drink today and your body is filled with whiskey, or this is a miracle."

After about the fourth shot, she asks Bill for just one more, as she knew her limitations. Bill , grabbed her cup, broke it, and looked her in the eye while asking with an evil grin... "what about you just take a drink out of the bottle?"

1 comment:

Jerzzzey said...

Oh my, i bet Bill spermed her!