Friday, February 29, 2008

Helllllloooooo readers! Long time no see! My apologies... but I got caught up in a little something most of you are unfamiliar with... work.

How was Valentine's Day for each of you? Did you find the right gift(s), receive the right gift(s), or did you not have to worry about a gift? ;) How many of you spent the night in chat looking for love? Even worse, how many of you found it? LOL!!!

Anyway... it had been about a week since my last visit into NHL:1 and the topic of conversation back then was Mary's love for Paul, Paul's love for Mary, and Thornton's love for stirring up trouble between the 3 of them. I must admit, it was funny the first dozen times they battled, but after last week, I figured enough already. Ignore!

Things seemed a bit quiet yesterday. The room was unusually heavy with chatters, yet nothing was really being said. A few posts were made in regards to Oz's need of Hossa fantasy league trade, or Tasha's need for some country music, or Northerncutie's need for another mixed drink... but nothing really happening over the mic. So... out of curiosity, I reach into my Iggy bin and pull out Thornton, Paul and Mary. Guess who I hear on the mic now? LOL!!! Still arguing over the same ole bullshit. "You know you want me Michael" says Mary... "You know if you were her neighbour, Thornton and I weren't dating Mary, you would be all over that" says Paul... "Fuck, no I wouldn't, she's just someone I would like to talk to and be friends with" says Thornton.

Why did I even bother?

I must say, yesterday was probably the first time I have heard anger in Paul's voice. Something that was said had got to him, FACT! The boy that once said "it's only chat, nothing or no one can get to me"... was about ready to lose it. You could hear it building up.

Once the Golden Child of NHL:1, Paul is now the laughing stock of the room. Maybe this is why Paul is so upset. It is now evident that Paul cannot handle pressure very well. The pressure of furthering his education, the pressure of working part time, or the pressure of having ones balls carried around in a coin purse of his significant other. It's only chat, Paul... remember? Nothing bothers you. LOL!!!

The boy that claims to NEVER use ones handicap, race, colour or creed against anyone sure didn't hold back against Thornton yesterday. It was rather amusing. The Iggy bin wasn't going to be utilized quite so soon today. Briereyote would chime in on occasion, backing Thornton for some reason and Oz would hit Mary with a little insult here and there which made for a good laugh. Talker tried to get involved saying him and Not2 will last longer than Mary and Paul, regardless of what they think about his loyalty. What is funny is that I can't remember if Not2nice agreed with Talker or not, LOL!!!

So as Paul and Mary bashed Thornton, Thornton took the time to try and direct the bashing towards Talker and Tasha. A rather smart move on his part... this by a man called dumb, retarded and ignorant by Paul. It worked, as Paul called Talker a bigger loser than Thornton =)). Sonned to oblivion. Paul feels sorry for Tasha since she is so sweet and all, and can't understand what she sees in Talker. Surprisingly, Tasha doesn't say much. Maybe Tasha was re-thinking the situation she was in. Paul reminded Tasha of Talker's loyalty, or lack of... and his willingness to cheat at any given moment. Still, Tasha had nothing to say. I thought maybe Tasha had left the room. When I checked, her name was still present and her ears were on... interesting. All Talker would say was that his and Tasha's relationship would last longer than Paul's and Mary's. Boring... zzzzzzzzzzzzz. I expected more out of Talker.

Hey Paul, I have a question for you? I read where Mary sent you a pair of dirty and stained panties for Valentine's Day. Is that true? Were they hers? LOL!!!

Just curious, where do you keep them? Under your mattress? Dresser drawer? In your back-pack or briefcase that you take to school and work? LOL!!!

Do you enjoy sniffing used panties, Paul? Does Mary watch you stroke your cock with them on those lonely nights? How low can one get? Sniffing panties? Wow, get a fuckin' life. LOL!!!

YOU are a sick puppy, Paul. You have no idea about women, obviously, and are not aware that any real man likes the smell of pussy, not shit stained thongs.

Doesn't it occur to you Paul that there are still particles of feces lingering on Mary's ass even after a good wipe? LOL at you putting those filthy panties to your face. And even if you tell me that she showers after every shit, like some people do, and that her ass is clean... do you ever think of those tiny particles of feces that come out every time she farts? LOL!!!

Have you thought about taking those panties in for DNA testing, Paul? You could get information like her blood type, possibly what she ate that day, and most importantly, who else is bangin' that. LOL!!! I can pretty much guarantee that you will find that at least 4-5 different guys were in those panties before you. FACT!!!

I have an idea, Paul... send the panties to Dakilangmanok. That nerd has a chemistry set with all the necessary chemicals and such to perform a DNA test on them for you.

Hey Dak, if I can get Thornton's address to you, would you send the panties to him next? Maybe Thornton can put them on his 60" screen TV for all to see. Who am I kidding, like they all haven't seen them. LOL!!!

Happy sniffing, Paul... and remember...

...Tomorrow is Another Day...

and quite possibly a trip to the doctor's office... ;)

P. S. Happy February 29th... one of 'scraps favorite days... even better than Xmas, B-days, paydays (lol at payday) etc... you officially have an extra day to chat, lurk and linger.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy V-Day to all... *hugs*

G' day readers! Are there any bitter and bitchy individuals reading this today? I'm sure there are, but with good reason right? Another Valentine's Day alone? Let's here it again 'scrap... "Valentine's Day SUCKS!"


Every year, I get a few E-mails, and PM's from 'scrap who have had or are having a lousy Valentine's Day. I don't expect this year to be any different. I'll get the usual... "I just need to ignore this fictitious day altogether"... or "Next year baby, I swear I'm going to meet someone". One of my favourites, and I get it from the same person each year... "Cupid is Stupid".


It's a shame that 'scrap have to feel bad because they don't have a love in their life. Oh the stress you must possess on this wonderful day.

Even IF you are in a relationship, ha ha... I'm sure you are rather stressed out too... especially the male 'scrappers. Why is this, guys? Do you fear not making your girl feel loved? I bet most of the guys in NHL:1 with a Valentine have yet to pick out a gift. I'm sure you all will be at the grocery store this evening fighting over the shriveled remains of flowers in a last-ditch effort for sex, right? You are the ones that look at and read the same 3 cards left in the Hallmark Store over and over knowing she won't like it, because it's not sappy enough, right? You will be the one that buys that last box of Russell Stover chocolates from the local 7/11 though they read low carb and sugar-free on the box, right? Are you trying to tell your loved one to lose a few? Unless she's diabetic, maybe you better leave the chocolates behind.

No sex for you tonight!


Valentine's Day must suck for most of NHL:1's women. Many of you female 'scrappers don't have dates and have to buy your own fucking chocolate, right? I'm sure you would welcome that low carb box of Russell Stover from any man at this point. I imagine the room will be packed this evening with the likes of Costergirl, Pixie_Stix, Boltsgirlvl4, Northerncutie08, etc., etc... making a last ditch effort to score an E-card from a Cudayguy, Flyereddie48, Antiwhy, or Ari_Freaking_Gold. Good luck! This day has to honestly be the shittiest day ever for you 'scrappers, as I'm sure it even surpasses the yearly trip to the "girly doctor" or for the guys having their "underworld" screened.

My suggestion to the above mentioned if you don't score in 15 minutes of trying, is to rent My Bloody Valentine, Valentine, or as a last resort, The St. Valentine's Day Massacre, with the song Love Stinks by J. Geils playing over and over in the background. Oh yeah, get some candy for yourself. No one else is going to get it for you!


Guys, keep it simple.

No need to scramble for those wilted flowers. Your girl will laugh at you behind your back, FACT! A card may be nice to read, but have you ever thought of ever just TELLING your girl (not showing her) you loved her? Personally I think lingerie is tacky, but that's me. Might I suggest a quiet, cozy dinner for two, a romantic movie, and afterwards listening to soft music while cuddling next to the fireplace? If that doesn't work, then you better read up on this quick... !

If you play your cards right, you may get what every guy wants for Valentine's Day... *whistles*

Good luck!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Hello everyone, how are you?


Just wanted to pop in and say hello real quick. I've been busy for the last few days and just wanted to let everyone know I'm okay. It's good to see that you all are still reading and commenting. I thought maybe my being exposed as a plagiarist may have deterred some of you. 119 comments as of this writing, WOW!


The family and I are heading home, and I promise after I get caught up on a few things, I'll read all comments posted.

I have 10 minutes before I board, let's see what I can kick out real quick.


Without variety, wouldn't you consider life to be unbearable? Think about it, we don't dress the same... in fact, most people don't wear the same clothes two days in a row. We eat a wide range of foods. Can you imagine how dreadful it would be to eat even our favorite meals day after day? Most of the world... well... we read new books, we watch new movies, we make real friends, we buy and download new music, we take vacations to new and erotic places, and we go to ball games, concerts, etc., for the sake of infusing variety into our lives. One cannot grow without variety! If one were to repeat the same experiences and receive the same sensory inputs day after day, we would cease being fully human. (LOL, did I say erotic places? I meant exotic places. And yes, I've experienced both.)

Enter NHL:1 chat addicts.

I don't understand the likes of Antiwhy, Northerncutie08, Pixie_Stix. lllxxx_king_of_kings_xxxlll, Briereyote, (just to name a few) who enter chat at 8:00 AM each and every day and sit there for hours, sometimes engaging in civil conversation, and at other times, just sitting in hopes of hockey chat to begin. Oddly enough, if the current topic doesn't meet their standards, (LOL at 'scrap in NHL:1 with standards) they will still choose to sit, sometimes idle for hours, and wait until something interesting comes up for them.

I will never understand what goes on in the head of 'scrap.

Do these people, who claim to either be married, engaged, or with a significant other in the "boyfriend, girlfriend" stage ever think their relationships are at risk when they insist on sitting in chat 14-16 hours a day? How about their children? Family members? I know, to some of you these same questions get old, but I ask you non-'scrappers, are they not legitimate questions?

Regardless of what your fellow 'scrappers may think if you get a life, Ryan, Tracy, Steph, Oz, and Dean, you will not lose respect and feelings of respectability by seeking variety in life. Your fellow 'scrappers will still be there for you. I guarantee it. Maybe just not as often. Does it frighten you that you may lose your "friends"? If they hate you for at least trying to experience life, they were never truly your "friend" to begin with.

Does it not bother you 'scrappers, that you must lie while in chat each day? "I don't need to work, I have money" or "my hubby makes the money and gives me everything I need" "My parents are loaded, I never have to work again" ... blah, blah... excuses, excuses... get off your asses and stop relying on your weekly lottery ticket as your savior or ticket to paradise.

Fact is, you all have no talent, skills, education, or desire to want to get out into the real world and experience life. At least that is how you portray yourselves in chat. Prove me wrong, please.

I'm not saying you need to explore the likes of skydiving, motorbike racing, rock gliding, hang gliding, or bungee jumping, or even more dangerous pursuits, like a full-time job/career. I'm merely suggesting a good book, a walk around the block, a class or two, or maybe even a part-time job for starters.

You need balance in your life... you need variety.

Chatting 24/7 shouldn't have to be anyone's life. Most think you chose this life... that's bullshit... you just settled for it. It's never too late to change, that is if you want to, just remember...

...Tomorrow is Another Day!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Chatters who are lazy, that expect things to be given to them, who have no accountability or responsibility in life, really need to snap out of it. As Jimmy_Cinderella once said, "I do not hate these people, though they do cost me thousands of tax dollars every year." I agree, Jimmy_Cinderella, in that they cost me thousands of tax dollars each year as well.. This money should be going towards the Educational Systems of today's youth who want to make the world a better place to live in.

I don't deny that we all don't need some kind of assistance at one time or another in our life, regardless of who we are. Hell, I myself received somewhat of a free ride once, though I didn't expect it, or at times deserve it, but I am proud to say, I never relied on it. I guess my parents felt responsible to make things easier for me while growing up. Then I graduated High School. LOL!!! See, as a kid, I delivered newspapers, I would mow lawns for neighbors, I raked leaves for the elderly when called upon, and I washed an occasional car or two if I wanted some extra money. Unlike you 'scrappers that had to wait until your birthday or December 25th, to receive a gift, I was out buying what I wanted, when I wanted.

I soon realized after graduation that I wanted my own apartment, my own car, and my own credit cards. I also wanted food in my own refrigerator and cupboards that I would enjoy eating. It started with getting a full-time job. Though it was tough due to a carrying double digit units each semester in college, I had the will and desire to make it happen. Two words... will and desire, are not part of 'scraps' vocabulary.

Basically all the 'scrappers in NHL:1 are looking for a free ride, something for nothing, and accepting what they get handed to them. What is sad, is that they are all well beyond their 18th birthday. Isn't it embarrassing 'scrappers, that mom has to drive you around IF you want to go somewhere, or IF a guy/girl wants to go to your place, you can't, because mom and dad are home, or eating garbanzo beans and beets alongside that meatloaf made with stale bread crumbs and instant potatoes 5 days a week, because dad said so?

There are a handful of you that are reading this, that have done well for yourselves, and there are others reading this that are making strides in the right direction. The only direction the rest of you 'scrappers of NHL:1 know, is down. I am complaining here, of the chatter who thinks it is okay to live at home up until they're 30 and 40 years of age and not pay rent because they are too lazy to look for a job, while collecting unemployment benefits. Are they afraid they might miss a chat session? Maybe they're afraid they might miss setting their fantasy roster before the deadline? Or maybe they're afraid of getting skin cancer if they step outdoors? I know what it is... they're afraid of missing a blog post. LOL!!!

You can ask them over and over, but they don't have answers themselves.

I can pretty much guarantee that the 'scrappers blame everyone but themselves for their unfortunate situation(s). I can't get a job because... I can't get a date because... no one likes me because... my fantasy hockey team sucks because... I had to get an abortion because...

You're pitiful because... you won't get off your lazy ass and make something happen!

Some 'scrappers spend all day whining about lack of money and the need to buy a new mouse for their computer. Some 'scrappers sit at home and play video games on their computer all day, wishing they had money to buy a new game, as Frogger, Space Invaders, and Ms. PacMan aren't fun anymore. God is punishing them, right? Believe it or not, I've heard them say that before.

The cudaguys, costergirls, antiwhys, pixies, ari_freaking_golds, citygirls, forever_frantics, sherry_berrys, and xl_fives of life will sit around day and night and create Yahoo ID's hourly. They hope by rotating them frequently, they will avoid exposure. Forget it, we know who you are. We also know what you are... desperate losers... lurking and yearning for that Yahoo E-cock or E-pussy to enter your PM box.

'Scrappers. you know why your life is difficult? YOU! Yes, you read correctly, you choose to make it difficult!

I ask my anonymous commenter's and plague of this world, what are you going to do about your life?

My guess is once you're through posting to the blog, you'll take another nap, wake up and eat your meatloaf, and then pop in with yet a new ID and lurk in NHL:1 for a couple more hours.

Come on 'scrap, there has to be more to life than chat or in trying to guess who the blogger is... along with my age, sex, height, and weight. LOL at 'scrappers thinking there's a prize involved like at the county fair if they guess correctly.

Like Hermes, said... basically if you go away, I go away.

It's hard letting go of something you love, isn't it?


Sunday, February 3, 2008

If you're visiting here after viewing the blog of Jimmy_Cinderella... ... then, thank you. If you have not had a chance to visit 'whatwouldthecrudo' then take a minute, stop by, and say hello.

The below is a continuation of a post I left on

I'm looking forward to hearing from youdontknowjack... aka shady of NHL:1.

Jack, how do we resolve the fact that the Neanderthal individual was probably more intelligent than a modern human individual? The cranial capacity tells us something about the individuals' mental abilities, LOL... good or bad ;) ... but it tells us almost nothing about the social aspects of life.

Neanderthals were skilled hunters with complex societies. Neanderthals were the first humans who buried their dead. That much we know.

We also know that up until the 1950's Neanderthals conjured mental images of hairy, stooping brutes with more brawn than brains.

Pics, Jack?

Do share.


We know Neanderthals suffered annihilation at the hands of modern humans... at least most did.

Jack, the Neanderthals had a short, stocky body that was an ideal shape for conserving heat. They were also extremely muscular in order to cope with the demands of a grueling Ice Age lifestyle. Correct me if I'm wrong, but have you not described yourself fitting that mold?

The Neanderthal hyoid bone, which holds the voice box in place, shows they were capable of complex speech. But their sentences were probably basic. Jack, have you ever typed out a complete sentence, one of which contained word(s) of more than two syllables and no typos? LOL at typos due to your big fingers... the truth is now known.

In 1999, the skeleton of a child was unearthed in Lapido, Portugal. Dated to around 25,000 years ago, the remains show a mixture of Neanderthal and modern features, suggesting it may be a hybrid. But small fragments of Neanderthal DNA extracted from three different specimens show that they were not closely related to any present day human populations.

What do you think, Jack?

Friday, February 1, 2008

Yahoo Love...

Is there anything, ANYTHING - more important than discovering what you came to this earth to contribute? When you are in total alignment with who you are, and you are allowed to express that, and live that every day, NOTHING can hold you back from achieving everything else in your life like... love, health, relationships, money, freedom, purpose, motivation... etc., etc..

Find your purpose so that you can start living it and fully experience everything you came to this earth to experience! Pssssst! ... a nickel's worth of free advice, it won't happen while sitting in chat 7 days a week 12 hours a day. Does anyone reading this even have that desire breathing inside of them? I hope so.

My apologies. This isn't meant to insult ALL readers. You know who you are.

Without knowing everything that is going on inside of you, you cannot turn your desires, thoughts, wants and needs into REAL experiences. Time is running out for most of you. In the meantime, until you decide to snap out of it, allow me to present more FANTASY for your reading pleasure.


Yahoo Love

"Hello Room" -- Hello Tricia, said Jack. "Wow, what a quick response, Is this a sign that I will find someone to cyber with quick?" "18/F here, I typed in the room, hoping this would attract the attention of some horny chatters." Almost immediately Christofer responded... 36/M here, you want to chat Tricia? "Hi Christofer, sure, how are you?" Good tonight, you? "So far so good." "Another instant message appeared on my screen, it was from Eddie." "I clicked cancel over, and over as Eddie messaged me again and again." So how old are you, Tricia, Eddie asked. "18/F here." can't you read?" "I was hoping he would go away... until later anyway."

"Have you ever had cyber sex, Christofer?" "I do not know why I typed that so soon." " I thought cyber sex was for people that could not find a real human being to have real sex with, wait, that is me." Yes, Tricia I have, you? "No, but I want to try it." "I want to find out what all the hype is about." "I want to find out if it's any good."

Do you want to have it with me, Tricia? "Okay, but you have to begin and lead, Christofer, I've never done it." OK, if you want to, Tricia. And yes, OK, I'll start.

Here goes Tricia! During our kiss my hands slide down your back to your ass. I caress your ass cheeks softly as our tongues explore each others mouth. My next move puts my hands on your breasts. I gently massage them and play with them with my fingers. "I like this, Christofer, don't stop." "I enjoy what you're saying." "I feel myself becoming sexually excited."

We are not alone here in chat, Tricia, this is exciting. I put my hands up your shirt to your bra. I pull the bras cups down beneath your breasts so I can have easier access to them. Are you touching your breasts, Tricia? "Yes, Christofer I am lightly fondling my own breasts." We don't have much time, Tricia, so I slide my hands up your shirt. I unzip your jeans and slide my hands between the fabric of your panties and your skin. I run my fingers across you, feeling how wet you are.

"I'm taking off my pants and panties, Christofer." OK now lay on your back, Tricia in anticipation of my next move. "Please keep going, Christofer, I'm really getting into what you're typing." OK Tricia. I slowly guide myself to the lips of your pussy. The head of my dick can feel how wet and warm you are. "The tip of my index finger is inside me, Christofer." "I wish you could feel the warmth and wetness caused by your excitement." I push myself deep into you, Tricia. You feel so good. "I softly moaned as I put my own finger as far as it reached inside of me, Christofer, I wish you were here." "Christofer? Hello? Damnit."

Sorry, disconnected, Tricia.

I pull out, then push back in. My pace starts slowly but with each thrust I move quicker. "I love this, Christofer, don't stop, I can feel my emotions and hormones controlling me know." "My pointer finger joined my other finger inside of me." "Rapidly they're both moving around inside of me." I fuck you harder and harder. "Yes, don't stop Christofer." I think I'm about to cum, Tricia. I can feel it building up inside of me. It wants to be released. "I feel the excitement growing too Christofer, and I'm almost ready to explode too." I'm coming inside you, Tricia. "I'm losing total control, Christofer." "A wave of sexual excitement is going through my entire body." "My body is going into convulsions and my pussy's muscles are tightening on my fingers, Christofer." I came, Tricia. "So did I, Christofer, that was great." "Now imagine what it would be like in real life, Christofer."

"Christofer, you there... Chris? Hello? Damnit."

"Let me message Eddie."

Super Bowl Prediction...

From Pre-Season all the way up until kick-off of the Big Game, sports fanatics from across the world have been and will be making their 2008 Super Bowl predictions. Now the teams have finally been set and you get one last chance to make your predictions on who which team will win this game. The two teams you will be deciding from will be the New York Giants and the New England Patriots.

If you have been keeping up on the NFL season to this point, then you should know that New England will be trying to set the biggest milestone ever in pro football with one final victory Sunday.

The Miami Dolphins are the only team ever to go through a season undefeated and win the championship game. The Dolphins won 17 games that year, and now the Patriots have a chance to cap off a perfect 19-0 season.

New England won't be taking the Giants lightly after New York nearly ended that perfect season with a 35-38 setback in the season finale. The Giants have earned their trip to this Super Bowl by winning 10 consecutive road games. To predict them to win an 11th straight road game, you would have to be going out on a big limb here because you are witnessing perhaps the best NFL team to ever suit up in uniform to take the field in New England.

Super Bowl predictions will be made by children, chatters, and adults of all ages. Many will be taking part in pools (not the kids I hope) where they are asked to pick the winner, how many points they will win by, and what the final score will be. Most people will be making these predictions for fun.

There is a point-spread set on the 2008 Super Bowl where you chatters have to decide between taking the underdog or the favorite. The Giants are obviously the underdog while the Patriots are once again a big favorite.

If any of you are thinking of placing any bets, good luck! If you have already bet on the Giants, good god!

Final score: New England Patriots 33 - - - New York Giants 20

Now that you have my pick, don't rush out and place today's paycheck with your neighborhood bookie. Though I'm confident with my selection, last thing I need is more angry chatters 'sonning' me to tears. LOL!

It just sickens me to see how much of a bandwagon effect New England has had in football this season. As each week went on during the regular season, thousands of fans dumped their opening day favorites for New England.

I'd be curious to see your predictions posted.

How many of you NHL:1 chatters are on then New England 'wagon' or for that matter, the New York 'wagon'?

Toronto Bills, 2012 Super Bowl Champs!

Book it!